Chapter 13

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I woke up on December 24 feeling somewhat well rested after a night of deep sleep. That had been the norm lately; I hadn't touched the bottle of Jack in my bathroom in two months. Maybe the simple fact that I knew it was there if I needed it lulled me to sleep. But it could've been something else too. Typically, I didn't remember my dreams unless I had a bad one, which had all but stopped lately, yet I could still make out bits and pieces of the one from last night. A red light, an unfamiliar couch, some booze, and--


I sat upright on my bed. I dreamt about her last night. Thinking back, she was one of the first things on my mind every morning. Did that mean she was in my dreams every night? Was that why I was sleeping better? Did I want so desperately to see her all the time that when I did see her, even if it was just in my head, I couldn't wake up. I wanted every moment with Ari that I could possibly have, made-up or not.

Sighing, I leaned over to check the time. It was nearly noon, and I listened for Anna, who was usually up by nine. But I heard nothing, so I assumed she was called in to work. I got out of my bed and ambled into the kitchen, shivering slightly. Anna hadn't turned up the heat, and I was only wearing my sleep shirt and shorts. I dashed back into my room and threw on a hoodie and sweats before grabbing my breakfast. "Much better," I sighed, as the warmth of the clothes enveloped me. After pouring out my usual Lucky Charms, I plopped down onto the couch. I went to pull out my phone, and I remembered I had left it plugged in on my nightstand. Groaning internally at my morning stupidity, I set down my bowl carefully to go get it. I saw that I had recieved two texts while I was in the kitchen, and my heart nearly jumped into my throat in excitement as I saw one was from Ari.

Going to alyssa's party?

I was slightly bewildered. What party?

Did you get a text from her?

I looked, and the other text was from Alyssa. Yeah

Well check it dumbass.

Whatever you say.

Laughing slightly from Ari's response, I opened Alyssa's text. I'm having a new year's eve party. It starts at 9. You should come.

Do I have a choice? I shot back. I was kidding, of course, and Alyssa knew me well enough to know that.


Didn't think so. 

I went back and texted Ari. I'll be there. 

Good. See you then :)

Something about those three words just made me melt a little. I shoved my phone into my pocket, a grin on my face. I was going to see Ari.

And that would be enough to make my break.


I heard the garage door go up and a car pull in. I jumped off the couch, where I had been sitting all day, and checked the clock. It was 8:30 PM. Anna had been gone all day. I heard her fumbling with the doorknob, and I pulled the door open for her. She was standing there in the garage, wearing her scrubs from work, with a bag of groceries in each hand. I grabbed them from her and she gave me a tired grin. "Thanks."

"Jesus Christ Anna!" I exclaimed, starting to put the food away. "What time did you go in to work?"

She yawned, tossing her keys on the counter and flopping down on the couch. "Like eight."

"Holy shit is that even legal?"

"If they pay me," she mumbled, closing her eyes. 

I sighed, leaning on the kitchen table. "Why didn't you have me go get the groceries?"

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