No Friend's, No Family, No Love

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 Deciding to walk to school today, just listening to my iPod

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 Deciding to walk to school today, just listening to my iPod. Today is going to be full of pain, regret, and probably spit. I haven't heard from Becca, Lizzy, or Mallory. I realize that, Becca probably told them. Its whatever, cause I've been lying to them. I have every right to be ashamed at where I live at. If they look at me in a different light, than it will just show me who they really are. 

Time Skip: 

I make it to school, right as the bell rings. I look over to see my friends, with the wolf pack boys. That's fine I'll be alone, not like I am not used to it. 

Gabriel claimed Mallory

Tristan claimed Lizzy


Drake claimed Becca 

I put a hood over my head, with my earphones one. My old friend's block my way through the hallway. I ignore them, not even giving them eye contact "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!" Drake looks down at me, pulling the hood off "Katelyn please stop being so stubborn. Come on Corey will take care of you"

I use all my strength to push him so hard, he falls. Putting my hood back up "you don't touch me! You got it I don't fucking care about Corey. Just leave me the hell alone!" I walk into the school. Stepping into my History class, Doing my work, until the bell rings. I go to my second period, just relaxing until all of 'The Wolf Pack' comes up to me. 

Tristian glares at me, looking down. I haven't taken my hood off, cause I refuse to deal with this bullshit "what is wrong with you Katelyn, we just wanna help!" ~I am getting so sick of this!~ I get up shoving him a little. Drake, and Gabriel with an angry expression on their faces. Drake yells "Katelyn cut it out now!" Yeah like that will stop me. 

I smirk "I don't want anyone's help. So go away oh, and one more thing" Pulling the necklace, that Corey put on me out from. Under my shirt, Gabriel shouts "Katelyn don't you fucking do it!" I yank it off of my neck stomping it into the wood floors "oops did I just do that? My bad" 

I walk to lunch, sitting at a table alone. Playing with my food, I don't feel like eating, I don't feel like talking, and I don't wanna be claimed by anyone. I just want to be left alone, in my lonely thoughts. I don't want happiness, I don't need friends, family, or love. I am fine, where I am. 

Drake's POV: 

Katelyn is tougher then she looks. She has probably, been through hell and back. Being in that Foster Home, that we never knew about. Till yesterday, That would explain why she has been so distant. I see Corey's necklace, he gave her on the wood floor. I could not believe she did that. Corey is not going to be happy.

 ~why doesn't she want a loving mate?~

My wolf speaks growling +she doesn't want anyone stupid+ Yeah my wolf is always right, Katelyn doesn't want anyone. She chooses to be alone. But I do know this, Something is wrong with that girl, and we need to figure it out soon. Cause she is the most negative girl I have ever met.

I walk to our lunch table seeing Lizzy, Becca, and Mallory just goofing around. Her friend's are having the time of their lives, being happy. Why can't she? Corey is trying to give her the life, she has probably never had. 

Yet she distance's herself away from it. Like what's the deal?! ~ Why can't she just be happy~ My wolf laughs +Boy you're forgetting one big thing about this... She isn't like us+  I look down at the necklace, in my hands. Sighing, well here goes nothing. Corey looks at me "what's wrong dude you look a little sad and frustrated?"

He is about to be so mad, he won't be able to see straight. I gulp, pushing Katelyn's necklace he gave her to him he growls I jump. Yup everyone duck for cover, here comes his wolf. I sigh frowning "I'm sorry Alpha she just tore it off. She hasn't been herself, all day it's like she doesn't want anyone at all" Corey sighs. 

His own mate, doesn't even want anything to do with him. Its would hurt any wolf, if this happened to them Corey speaks saying "She has been in Foster Care. Since she was a baby. She grew up with such hate in her heart. I've been trying to get to her, to show her that I won't hurt her. But she won't have it" 

Yeah that explains, everything. He plays with the necklace, frowning. I've never seen him this sad. I would be too if my mate didn't want me, and tore off our bond necklace. I hope Katelyn, lightens up soon. Cause if she doesn't we are going to have to show her. 

Becca frowns, looking up at me "she has been this way since we were younger" Lizzy nods "yeah its kind of sad she didn't tell us. She was an Orphan.. We would of tried to make it better" Mallory huffs "face it girls she isn't going to change" Mallory was right she won't change. I don't think she ever will. 

Katelyn's POV: 

Playing with my food in the lunchroom. I hear footsteps, seeing Becca, Lizzy, and Mallory coming up to me. Becca slams her hands on the table "why did you give back Corey's necklace you just broke his heart Katelyn!?" I shrug rolling my eyes, not even giving them any attention "not like I give a fuck" 

Lizzy glares at me, pointing "well you should, and you haven't eaten your food" I bang my hands on my table "go back to your damn lovers, and leave me the hell alone. For now on you three no longer exist!" They look at me, frowning. Becca fixing to cry " don't mean that..." 

I snap my head at her "oh but I fucking do now get the fuck out of my site!" Mallory glares at me "Corey is right about you Katelyn you have no love in your damn heart!" I smirk waving all cute. 

Drake comes to Becca's aid, hugging her as she cries ~What a drama queen~ Drake glares at me "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I point to myself "me? Nothing" I laugh. Corey storms over to me, grabbing my wrist "what gives you the damn right. To treat people that care of you this way!?" 

 I jerk away from him "cause I can now leave me be!" he pulls me back, trapping my arms in his chest. To where I couldn't move "Katelyn what is the matter with you?" I try to push him away "leave me alone!"

I get my arms free, fixing to walk away. Just to get grabbed, around my waist, and pulled back into his chest. Feeling his breath, on my ear whispering to me "come on Katelyn, you have so much hate towards everyone. I bet you can be a sweet, loving girl if you wanted to" 

I don't want to be with you, I don't want this. I don't fucking need this.. Why can't he just see that, I'd rather be alone. I'd rather be fucking alone! He tightens his grip around my waist, as I struggle with all my might to get free "let me go!" I stomp on his foot. He releases me, I run but I don't get far. 

He pushes me against the wall, my back facing it "LET ME GO!!" I pound on the brick wall of the school, that he has me pinned against. He growls at me " I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE" I feel a cold chain, touching my neck. I look down my necklace, was back on my neck. No, NO! Not this again... 

He nuzzles his face into my neck "you will be mine! Even If I have to force it on you. Stupid girl!" He lets me go, as he walks away. Is it just me, or did his voice get deeper, and Scarier? No, No. I am just hearing things again. 

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