𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 III

622 138 3

"H-hello mister Jeon." I stuttered, flustered to see him wearing formal cloths.

"Do you know each other?" Tae asked glancing at me wandering.

"We did meet a while earlier mister Kim." Jungkook replied flashing that beautiful smile once again.

After the small introductions, we or to be more precised they started talking about different subjects, mostly work...

I on the other hand was becoming more and more of a blush mess because of  his very on repeat glances at me.

Chatting for long they finally decided to go to Hoseok's office to sign the contract as they agreed on almost everything.

Once the contract signed we had dinner together.

They told us many marvelous stories about their ancestors. How strong they were to the point they fought and defeated wild animals, how they were bounded and protected each other with much love and esteem, he said that they could sacrifice themselves to guarantee the other's safety which I found very sincere and loyal.

Hearing that made my heart warm up, I wanted to know more about their parents and maybe other brothers or sisters.

I gathered my courage and asked about their family's where about...

There was a bit of silence, the atmosphere suddenly became thick and suffocating as I noticed how Jungkook looked kind of angry and sad, both at the same time.

Was I not supposed to ask? Shit.

His brother held his hand trying to calm him down as his breath started to become heavier and some veins popped out on his neck and forhead. The look in his eyes though broke my heart into million pieces.

For some reason I couldn't understand I wanted to comfort him so bad even when he hadn't asked nor said anything yet.

I was about to apologise when my brother beat me to it "I apologise in the behalf of my sister Mr.Jeon, she has no idea."

What is he talking about? No idea about what?

I had a questioning look fixed on my brother yet my gaze didn't leave Jungkook's side.

They kept silent.

Too silent.

Tae then glared at me clearly asking me to apologise as well, "I-I am really sorry I didn't mean to be rude--"

Hoseok stopped me with a sympathised look he started telling me their story that made me wish I kept never  my damned mouth zipped.

It started when the whole family gathered to celebrate Jungkook's birthday.

How they were happy and how their happiness in an abrupt instance turned into a deafening sorrow... They were attacked, burned and killed mercilessly... There were flames and fumes suffocating and encaging them from everywhere.

The parents had hidden both of their children in a secret room. Hoseok who was only three years old could clearly hear the cries and calls for help of his cousins, uncles, grandparents and all of his beloved ones.

"It was a terrible barbaric act my family was obliged to experience.
Our parents were desperate knowing they would never get out of the household alive their only goal was to save us..." Hoseok lowly spoke looking at his now tearing brother. He hugged him, patting on his back to calm him down as much as possible but that only made him cry louder.

My heart was aching, I couldn't breath any more even when the room was huge and the windows were open, I felt like dying...

The story was indeed Difficult to absorb how could anyone do that to an entire family? How much of a monster can they be to act like that?
The ultimate difficult thing though was looking at that once bright and smiling person breaking down in front of us.

Please stop crying, I am sorry... I regret...

How painful must it be for him?

How much did he have to suffer?

How many times did he cry himself to sleep?

I hope he doesn't feel alone and lost like I once did.

No YN just like you, he has a great brother... I am so thankful for him.

It was obvious from his silent cries that he is still traumatised by it, how can he not? He must think it's beacuse of him... oh no...

Looking at him my eyes blurry from my own tears I heard the same voice again...

*HEL.. p.. Me.. HElp ..ME.. HelP ME PLEASE!* it was louder and clearer this time.

I could almost swear it's coming from-


Instantly I knew the owner of this sad voice and had no time to think twice. I didn't even feel myself getting up from my place and running to his side. I hugged him as tight as I could.

He was at first startled but when he saw that it was me he quickly wrapped his arms around my body crying his pain out.

My brother having some tears in his now widened eyes was shocked from my behaviour. My whole life, never once I dared to initiate a move or start a conversation as I am always mentioned as the way too shy, red cheeks girl.

His brother also had a surprised expression on his face but eventually wiped his tearful eyes and signalled my brother to leave the room.

The moment they left Jungkook hid his face in the crook of my neck and asked me to not look at him.

I figured that he was embarrassed so I didn't argue but instead I let him stay in that position until he felt like moving away himself.

"I am sorry I cried this way, it's just... this topic is-- *sigh* that should not be a first impression to give to anyone... especially not you." He apologised still embarrassed to show his puffy eyes.

"You should never apologies for feeling sad, it's your family Jungkook! Of course you would feel this way. It's not easy to live through this. If anything... I think you are the strongest, kindest and purest person I have ever met, and I sincerely from the bottom of my heart apologise for openning your wound with my foolish questions." I looked down feeling ashamed.

He swiftly moved his head making me raise mine as well to see his beautiful orbs that are still a bit teary. I reached my hands to his face to wipe his remaining tears away .

My heart was about to explode when he took my hands from his cheeks and kissed them.

"Thank you..." He spoke, "if anyone is kind hearted in this room it is whithout any doubt you."

My cheeks turned crimson red and I averted my eyes off of him once more. I couldn't bare looking at him more or else-

"Cute." He chuckled going for another hug.

Noticing his closeness my reflex was to back away as I was somehow startled.

"My apologies, I only wanted to turn the hug back since you look embarrassed just like how I was minutes ago." He moved back frustrated because of the situation.

"N-no it's okay I was just taken a back, you can h-hug me."

"You sure? I don't want to-"

"I am sure! I mean yes." I confirmed lowly, now even more embarrassed than I was.


My body was in his arms again.

I breathed out air I had no idea was been held and reached my arms around his torso closing my eyes.

It was so cozy and warm nothing like the first one nor like any other hug I have ever experienced in my life.

I sure know how a hug is usually, I mean I do hug-- my brother, cousin, my few friends... but he was something else...

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