Wait to Find the Silver Lining

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Disclaimer: All Gilmore Girls content belongs to Amy Sherman-Palladino.

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For the first time in quite a while, Ella had the morning off, sitting with Rory and Lorelai at the diner's counter for breakfast instead of standing on the opposite side to serve them. Mid-September, and the sun shone down on Stars Hollow warmly, but the breeze had already turned chilly. Autumn was falling on Connecticut fast. Due to shifts at the diner and the start of school, neither Jess nor Ella had been able to free up enough time for a real date. Of course, each lunch at school Jess bothered to show up to, and every shift at the diner brought them together. But Jess was anxious to truly take her out. He was partially convinced Luke had booked both of them up so much to prevent a date from ever happening, but Jess had argued with him enough to earn them both an early closing on Friday night. They were only scheduled until eight, instead of nine or ten.

Ella had begun feeling excitement and nerves well up inside her, and they only grew as the day approached. She'd assured him she would be paying for half of whatever they were doing, after the first date. She hadn't gotten him to budge on the first date, though not for lack of trying. He wanted to show her all the upsides of dating, he'd said, like getting to go out for free. Sipping from her giant mug of tea, she felt her eyes flicking over to the checkered curtain from which Jess would appear at any moment. It was odd; she'd never had a real relationship, had never had such pleasant tension build within her.

"Hey, Stevens!" Lorelai exclaimed, breaking Ella's reverie.

Ella blinked in surprise, exiting the cloud of her thoughts back to reality. "Sorry, sorry. What's up?"

Lorelai snorted and rolled her eyes. "My god, you two are like puppies. Waiting to see lover boy this morning?"

Blushing, Ella let out an unconvincing scoff. "Lover boy wishes. Just got a lot on my mind, that's all."

"Like what your kids will look like?" Rory chimed in teasingly.

Ella groaned. "You guys keep this up, you'll never be graced with my presence for breakfast again. And I'll wait extra long to serve you your coffee tomorrow."

Both Gilmore women narrowed their eyes at her.

"You wouldn't dare," Lorelai wagered.

"Try me," Ella said, winking and taking another sip.

Luke ambled back over, having just delivered an order to a table by the front window. He'd caught the last bit of their conversation, stance grumpy and curmudgeonly as always when he stood in front of the three of them again. "You should see those two during shifts together. It's like I'm not even here."

"A hostile work environment, huh?" Lorelai asked, feigning sympathy.

Again, Ella rolled her eyes. She knew neither Luke nor Lorelai had yet warmed up to the idea of the two of them being together. She knew they feared her being corrupted, but she was confident enough in the head atop her own shoulders. Matters of the heart could always be handled.

"Yeah, whatever. You'll be spared the agony for a couple hours tonight, though. I've got some stuff to pick up from my aunt in New Britain. I'll be here around six."

Luke nodded. "At least some semblance of peace will be restored."

Ella gave a doubtful look. "I wouldn't speak too soon. Jess'll still be here, after all."

Right on cue, Jess trudged down the stairs and emerged from the curtain, rubbing a tired eye with the palm of his hand. A smirk crossed his features at the sight of Ella, though he was acutely aware of all the others witnessing the interaction.

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