Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – Rose

I knew I was supposed to be at home, given the stay-in-place order that had gone into effect this morning, but there was just so much cleaning up at the site that still needed to be done. We had stayed late last night trying to get as much of the remaining scenes done as we could.

So here I was, cleaning up the trailer I'd been using because by time we finished the night before all I'd wanted to do was head home. I'd hardly slept, so worried about everything that was going on I couldn't seem to turn my mind off. And I wasn't the only one.

There were actually quite a few people wondering around right now, moving from trailer to trailer, studio to studio. Everyone trying to do what they can before this place is completely closed to us. Pausing for a minute I watched outside of the trailer window as people wondered around. Trying to do their job while staying the required six feet apart.

Which, by the way, is a lot easier said than done.

Feeling my phone buzz in my pocket I reached down and, putting it on speaker phone, answered as I set it on the table next to where I was tidying up.

"Hey Dad."

"Hi, sweetheart. Are you still at the studio?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done. Just a few more cases to pack up," I say, closing up another one of my makeup cases. "I should be out of here in about an hour or so."

"Good, good. Just, be careful."

"I will, dad," I said with a soft smile. I knew he wasn't happy with me being here, I knew this because he'd told me several times this morning when I'd called him on my way in, but I also knew he understood. "I'm don't even need to stop and talk to anyone. As soon as I'm done, I'm going to be heading right back to my apartment. Promise."

After another couple promises to keep away from everyone and to go straight home when I'm done, I re-pocketed my phone. Looking around I was relieved to see that I really didn't have too much left to do. Most of the things that were left for me to pack up where Ozzy's. I knew he hadn't been planning on coming in today, there was too much for him to do to make sure his parents were settled, so I'd called on the way in to see if he needed me to do anything. Turns out he'd left a majority of his supplies in the trailer we'd been using, so I told him I'd pack it and take it home with me. One less thing for my friend to worry about.

Sighing, I finish closing up all of the cases and start taking them out to my car. I was tired, hungry, and just wanted to go home for a nice long bath. As I loaded the last bin into the trunk of my car, I couldn't help but feel a sadness come over me. The realization that tomorrow wouldn't be just like any other day, and the uncertainty of when our days will ever feel normal again, seemed to just hit me.

Closing my trunk, I leaned back against the bumper. Never in my life did I ever think I would see the day when a virus would be so bad that it would literally shut the world down, but that's exactly what was going on. At least, that's how it felt. Sure, grocery stores were still open, and you could still get food delivered from most restaurants, but everything else...shut down until further notice. My mind just couldn't seem to wrap itself around it all.

And don't get me started on the items that were disappearing off of the shelves in the stores faster than they can get filled. Some things I completely understood, like the various cleaners and bottles of water (because bottles of water always went fast if an emergency popped up). But there were some things, some items that just boggled my mind... Like the toilet paper and feminine pads (yes, I did check that because...surprise, surprise...why wouldn't my monthly choose now to pay me a visit?). I mean, what?

Locking Down LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora