#1 Karasuno High

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Your pov

I remembered clearly as if it was only yesterday. The thunderous roar coming from the crowds and the momentum of the ball bouncing under my fingertips echoed as my eyes gazed up at the scoreboard.

There was a huge gap between our team and there's. My chest tightened as I took hold of the ball. The look on my teammate's face was more than enough for me to understand what was going to happen next. With a high toss in the air, I ran up towards the ball and jumped


And just like that, the ball went over the net as we received another ace serve point. Its no use going up against a team like ours.  We were unstoppable especially..... the seven of us

[Current Time]

"Mr Raidō, would you please explain the paragraph I've just read to the class?" The teacher asked catching me off guard. I heaved a sigh before getting up from my seat with my hands in my pocket.

Guess it can't be help, after all, it was in the past

"The protagonist of the play, Uzui Haru, had mixed emotions of anger, sadness and betrayal after finding out that the one and only person whom he trusted with his entire life was none other than, Mikoto Shuuya, his lover" I explained, summarizing the paragraph. The whole class stared at me with amazement, some with their mouths wide open "V-very good young man, you may sit down"

How troublesome, I wanna go home and watch some anime

-5 hours later-

"Mendokusai....today's a bit boring"

With my bag slumped over my shoulder, I walked out of class and down the hallways. As I was about to make a sharp turn around the corner, a short boy abruptly ran and bumped into me. I just stood there as he fell down landing on his butt. "O-ouch that hurts! What did I hit?! A brick wall?!" he scolded with his eyes closed, rubbing his back. I gave a low chuckle and bend down with my hand reached out towards him "Need a hand?" I asked as he opened his eyes and looked up at me "Y-yeah" he softly whispered, taking my hand as I pulled him up to his feet. He then looked up at me "S-so huge" I heard him whisper as the corner of my lips curled into a soft smile "You know it's rude to stare at people like that" I laughed gently.

"E-eeek! Gomenasai!" The boy bowed repeated "O-oi I was just kidding" I stammered, surprised at how many bows he just did in 5 seconds. Looking down at him, I could see that he is very short in height for a highschool guy and has a very peculiar orange hair; but his eyes is what caught my attention. "Ano...." he blinked as I quickly looked at the side "Next time watch where you're going" I said patting his shoulder "Later kid" I waved leaving him alone.

Hinata's pov

I simply stood there astonished yet confused at what just happened. With my volleyball form sheet in hand, I turned around just to see the tall guy gone. "UWAAAHHH! I didn't get to ask what was his name! He seemed so cool!" I shouted causing some wierd glances coming from the students.

I frowned feeling a bit disappointed at myself

Yosh! I hope I'll bump into him next time! Right now I've got a volleyball club to enter!

Your pov

"I'm home" I greeted before closing the door. My dog Chase rushed towards me as nanny followed him from behind "Welcome back (Y/n), how was your first day in Karasuno High" she asked while I was busy receiving kisses and licks from Chase. "It's alright I guess, not bad to be honest" I replied "How about you nanny? Everything alright while I was gone?" The old lady gave a soft laughter "Yeah and your father called, he told me to tell you that your brother's tournaments will be held next week and hoped that you're doing okay here by yourself in Japan"

"Geez that old man should stop worrying about me for once" I mumbled before giving one last pat at Chase and standing up "Next week? I wish them all the best" I smiled softly at nanny. "Hai, well then, I should be off now. I'll see you both same time next week, (Y/n) and Chase" she smiled before patting Chase's head which he gladly barked in response "Okay and thank you nanny for taking care of the house while I'm gone" I bowed "It's fine young man" she laughed before walking out and closing the door.

I walked upstairs to my room and placed my bag on the couch before heading towards the showers.

"Man that was refreshing" I huffed, throwing myself on the bed. Chase lifted his head up and barked "Ha? What was that Chase?" "Woof woof!" I gave him a confusing look. With his tail still wagging, he stood up and walked back downstairs "What's with him?" I asked myself. After a few minutes or so, Chase was holding something in his mouth. I sat up and looked at him, he then walked closer as I took a good look. My eyes widened......

It was a picture of our first volleyball game victory

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