#4 Afternoon Moments

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Your pov

"Later" I waved, bidding a goodbye at Daichi, Asahi, Sugawara and Tanaka senpai. "Yeah! Let's go (Y/n)-chan!" Nishinoya-senpai air fist punch causing me to sweat drop at his childish act "Hai hai" I replied as I followed behind him.

"Hm? You guys coming?" I turned around looking at Hinata and Kageyama-kun. "Kageyama and I are gonna go and get some night snack at Ukai-sensei store!" shrimp replied "Okay bean sprout" I smiled giving him a thumbs up.


"Pft!" Kageyama and Nishinoya scoffed

I gave a light laughter before walking off with Nishinoya-senpai. "Say (Y/n)?" Nishinoya asked, breaking off the silence between us "Sup?" I replied "When did you arrived back to Japan?" I kept quiet for a second before replying "A month ago I guess"

"Eh? And your parents? Family?" he continued "They're overseas, both of my parents are in Singapore. I stayed in a boarding school in Scotland" Nishinoya stopped walking as I continued to moved forward before turning around "What's wrong?" I asked as his head hung down low "Your parents....do they ever visit you?" I blinked for a moment thinking why he would ask me that question, then it hit me

I see, he's worried that I'm left all alone huh

I walked towards him and pat his head causing him to look up at me "Yes my parents do visit me often, but I would always tell them that they shouldn't be worried about me because I can look after myself. Besides, since now I have Nishinoya-senpai and everyone who will look after me" I close eyed smiled causing his face to fluster "T-That's not what I-I meant you b-baka!" he pushed me away throwing his hands around.

I laughed and swung my arm around his neck "Lets go then!" he again looked up at me and smiled "Yeah!"

Mr Teijo's pov

"That's all?.......Yeah.......okay.......I see....well thank you for the report" I replied before ending the call. "So they're all here coach?" Hibiki asked as she placed my favorite cup of coffee on the table "Yea" I responded, slowly taking a sip of my coffee.

Hibiki took hold of one of the papers and skimmed through. "It's sad that they all are now in separate High Schools" she added which didn't shock me since they all studied abroad for the past two years. "They even left volleyball and joined other sports club, how naive of them" I irked in annoyance.

"But in (Y/n)-kun's case....." Hibiki stated

"Yeah, because of that he left the volleyball club. I can't blame him because of the situation he was in back then" I leaned back on my chair. "I guess because of his absence, the others too left the club and joined other activities"

"Yeah.....seems so" I closed my eyes

But,.....the information they just gave in earlier......is it true? Did he actually joined Karasuno's Volleyball Club?

Your pov

After dropping Nishinoya-senpai at his place, I finally head back home. I thought about going to the Dog's Daycare to get Chase but I received I text that he needs to stay there for a while. Crying because I won't be able to see my previous pet for a couple of a days, I walked down my street before


I stopped dead on my tracks...

That voice....it can't be

Turning around, my eyes widened as I saw a familiar grayish black haired high schooler


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