#10 People change

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Your pov:

My body stiffened at his demanding tone as I felt an eerie sensation coming from him. I looked up to see my old partner in crime, giving me a furious look. His blazing blue hair that I would always make fun off and that dark golden orbs that caught my attention when I first walked inside classroom 2A in Junior High.


"Don't call my name" he snapped harshly. I slowly closed my mouth and looked at him; hurt could be written all over my face as pain and guilt slowly dawned upon me. Unbearable to look at him in the eye, I lowered my head again.

Why him? Out of all the people, why does it has to be him whom I bumped into?

7 years ago

"Oi (Y/n), you're gonna trip if you're not being careful" Aozora (who was 7 years old at that time) said as I clicked my tongue in response. Aozora and I were a bunch of meddling kids. Me being a dumbass, I decided to walk on the rail back home where if I were to slip, I would fall and land into the creek. "I'm careful Ao-chan! Now watch me-"


Ah- I spoke too soon -_-


"(Y/n)!" I sat up and rubbed the back of my head "Itah, that hurts" I mumbled, feeling a sharp pain on my knee. Ao-chan than ran towards me. Instead of helping me up, he gave me a hot punch on the face "WHAT DID I TELL YA! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF HUH?!?!?!?!"he roared.

With a bleeding nose, from the punch, I simply laughed and smiled. "Sorry sorry" I apologized. He huffed before giving a deep sigh "At least you're alright, nothing but a scratch. Here...." I looked up just to see him reaching out his hand. "Let's get you all cleaned and patched up"

Current time

The Aozora I knew was kind, caring, short tempered, rebel, yet has a soft heart.

Without a single word, I grabbed my bag and head towards  the back door.



I slammed the door shut behind me. I thought he knew what had happened to me....Didn't Tenko-chan said that? That coach told them? Or was it only him whom he told because he was the eldest amongst them....

"Sorry Aozora...."

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