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I’m all alone.

Alone because I’m held down,

Held down by a force,

A force that keeps me hidden.

Down that dark narrow hallway,

With all its twists and turns,

In a shady room, where my fading soul dwells.

Shadows seep into the crevices.

Scared and alone.

Alone because I was forgotten.

Forgotten and unloved,

Unloved except for the devil.

Satans eyes piercing my skin,

Bleeding bitter red blood.

In the dark corners where it’s cold,

I freeze inside out, my heart turns to rock.

My bright eyes, faded to grey.

Nothing to keep me as one;

To many unpublished thoughts.

Escaping; my foolish attempt.

My reflection is a parallel universe,

A universe that’s too full for my lifeless corpse,

Corpses being forgotten, put out of memory,

Memories of being alone.

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