Chapter 14- Producing the apocalypse!!

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Kushina had begun being more proactive in our lives the year Minato was chosen as the next Hokage.

Two years had gone by since we were in Yuugakure for our vacation and the peace had happily settled through out the shinobi nations thanks to our overwhelming victory. The minor villages we were allied with quickly regained their strength and our village itself began to prosper immensely.

Not to mention all the children from the konoha twelve were being born earlier thanks to the war being over three years earlier than before.

So here we were in our house with Kushina across from us happily going on about having Minato's kids like they promised a long time ago.

I was fifteen and the kids had grown into happy little fourteen year old's. Minato was 22 now and his inauguration was a week away. Kakashi was still the shortest of us all considering he was a good two years younger than his team mates, but puberty was hitting the child pretty hard if Obito's blissful face was anything to go by.

As Kushina chattered on about why they should start having kids now I began to think about the kids that had already been born.

Itachi and Sasuke were born already, and they were a good two years apart in age. Ino was on the way, Sakura was probably being conceived right now, and Shikamaru, Neji, Hinata, and Choji were infants.

"-ally need to rebuild my clan somehow, and my dates have all been disasters so I'd like-"

"We'll do it." I said simply, cutting her off on her next long explanation about why it's a good idea to have kids now. Minato blinked and turned to me curiously. I smiled at him. "All these kids are being born right now and the kid deserves to be in the same class as the other clan brats too ya know?"

"Right, dattabane!" Kushina agreed happily.

"So.. how should we do this?" Minato frowned as he gestured between himself and Kushina. I stared blankly at the idiot before palming my face and sighing. Minato was obviously wondering if I was selling him off like a pimp to make babies with the woman. I was, but I wasn't letting him put his dick anywhere near her.

As if I'd ever let anyone but myself near his precious baby maker. I still haven't had my chance to taste it yet! The man was constantly busy with work these days, and whenever he returned ready to 'play', I was usually busy with a seal I didn't wanna abandon.

"Use a turkey baster." I answered with a deceptively nonchalant shrug. "Here let's just get this over with, follow me."

I stood up and led the two upstairs into the bedroom. I grabbed the baster on the way.

I then took Minato into the bathroom, instructed him on how to fill it then went into the room to wait with Kushina.

I was in no way medically trained to do this, but I'd read enough about these type of situations that I knew it would turn out fine. I was just as qualified to stick a turkey baster up someone's cooch as the next person. Can't be that hard.

My hands sweated a bit as I mentally prepared myself for what I had nonchalantly volunteered for.

A few minutes passed.

"So what's Minato doing?" Kushina asked me curiously. I blinked at her and wondered what level of innocent this woman was. She's been begging for children for months and she still doesn't understand what masturbation was?

"He's creating the seeds to plant into the eggs inside of you. I'll be the one putting the seed in when he's done." I explained scientifically. "You know how flowers need birds and bees to spread the seeds to make more flowers? It's like that. But he doesn't need birds and bees. He just needs to take his seed out and put it in a container that I will take and put into you."

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