Chapter 19

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_Chapter 19_

Elliot Warren

"Are you ready??" He wanted to confirm. But to be honest, I wasn't. And I don't think I ever will. I was technically coming out to my parents and claiming a guy at the same time. That's like shooting two arrows in the same spot. "El?"

He gently nudged me, making me snap out of my endless trance. "Hm? What?"

"Are you okay?" He frowned. "If you're not ready we can still wait a bit."

"What are you talking about? I am totally ready," I lied. He didn't seriously think I would back out on my own words. I already promised him and I knew exactly how impatient he was which only made it even more difficult because I certainly didn't want to burden him more than I already did.

"Yeah sure." He grabbed my hand in order to let his thumb caress the back of my hand. "Don't worry I'll handle it."

"I don't want you to," I shook my head. We were both responsible. One man taking the blame is just cowardly of the other and I for sure didn't want myself to be the coward. "After all they are my parents. Besides, I'm more at fault than you are."

"That ain't true, I had feelings for you first!"

"How would you now?" I squinted my eyes at him and narrowed the distance.

"Because you already caught my eyes after the first day of school," he confessed. And that honestly wasn't close to anything I had assumed. Hence, I had the right to be speechless. "Yeah, for that long already."

"You always treated me like you hated me, though." So he was more of a complicated person than I thought he was.

"Because someone has the awful talent of pissing me off to the point of just wanting to kick him out," he pinched my cheek.

"And you still like me?" It was still difficult getting a hold of his feelings. They barely ever make any sense.

"C'mon let's go," he grinned and pushed me out of my room towards the dining table where Mom had already set the table.

"Oh good you're here, I was about to call you guys," she smiled. She looked a bit tired but of course she would. I mean, she technically just went through a three days nonstop working schedule, returned and still had the nerve to cook something.

Soon after, my dad followed and joined us. He had taken the time to change out of his suit while Mom served the food, still having her blouse and pencil skirt on.

It was a quiet and weird atmosphere once we started eating and usually it was Mom who started the conversation at the table, but this time she didn't. Maybe she was just in a bad mood. Yeah the best condition to come out to their parents.

"Uhm how did work go?" I tried loosening the tension in the air.

"Could have seriously gone better," Dad mumbled. Okay so that topic was off for today.

"You never care, is something wrong?" Mom frowned, being sharp as ever. I remained quiet when I felt Ricky's hand from under the table, grabbing mine and giving it a light squeeze. "Hey, did something happen while we were gone?"

"Uh actually I have something to tell you," I bit my lips. "It's important. So please don't start shouting."

"We won't. Not that we have the strength to do so anyway," Mom assured.

Well here we go then, no turning back now. However, I had issues taking a hold of my own words and at first, couldn't phrase anything properly. I should have make up in advance what I was planning to say not seconds before.

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