Chapter 28

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_Chapter 28_

Elliot Warren

"C'mon get the fuck up!" I felt Ricky dragging me by my arm, trying his best to get me out of bed, but I seriously didn't want to, knowing very well what was up for today. "Elliot!"

"No!" I pulled away and buried myself under the blanket. "Just go alone and let me sleep!"

"But I want you to come with me!" He whined. And it was getting on my nerves.

It didn't matter that it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon or that I wasn't suppose to sleep at that time. Neither did it matter that we had amazing whether outside almost too perfect to go out. Because as a matter of fact..."It's your team that is meeting up so it has absolutely nothing to do with me! Now let me sleep!"

He sighed and finally stopped bothering me when he gave up on it. Well, that was what I thought until he desperately begged me like it was the only way. "Elliot, come along. Please." 

I groaned and tossed the blanket off my body, squinting my eyes from the bright sun light as I rubbed the sleep of my eyes. "Why? What am I even suppose to do there? With my wheelchair I basically can't move on sand. It's just gonna be boring for me."

"Not more than staying here at least. You can chill on the beach as long as you want to. And if you want I will do anything to keep you from getting bored. Just come with me." He tried to convince me with puppy dog eyes which just looked ridiculous in my opinion and therefore didn't do much to convince me to leave the house, neither did his words.

Therefore, I just laid back down and shook my head. "With my luck, I'll just end up getting fried by the sun."

"I'll put on sunscreen and massage you!"

That was enough to get me to sit up. "I'm going!"

He laughed and jokingly threw a pillow in my face before he stood up to get dressed. "By the way, the baseball team's going to join us today, too."

"What?!" I widened my eyes, having the most chaotic scenario playing in my head at the thought of both enemies colliding with each other. "How come?"

"Anderson and I managed to talk things out. And I thought that it would be best if both teams get to know each other properly while we were at it, you know to perhaps eventually get friendly with each other." He put his swimming trunks on with a simple white shirt before he got his sports bag out to pack in some towels, a blanket and other necessities.

"Really?! Why did you never tell me, that's amazing." I gasped. If things really worked out, that'd be insane.

"Yeah the way you told me that you and Anderson also had some serious conversation going on that apparently had enough impact on him to actually make him come and apologize to me?" He raised an eyebrow at me as he stopped with what he was doing.

I bit my lips in slight guilt and just smiled it off with an innocent act. "Well I didn't think that he would really go and do that."

He shook his head and waved it off. "Whatever, let's get going!"

"Yeah let me just quickly get ready," I nodded.


We stopped at Christo's place where we picked him and Derek up before we drove towards the beach where I haven't been to for years. Perhaps, it wasn't so bad to come after all.

"Are you sure Anderson is going to come today? I still have my doubts with that." Christo who was sharing the backseat with Derek and at the same time holding his hand questioned.

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