Chapter 25

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_Chapter 25_

Elliot Warren

In the following week, things took its good time to finally settle down. More or less at least. Some things went fine or even improved and some either just remained the same or got worse.

What I mean is that Ricky, Christo and Derek eventually were on good terms with their teammates. I even got to know some of them personally and they were all really nice.

The public apology from Spencer was indeed something else for us. For him, it was probably the most degrading thing in the world. But judged by what he did, it shouldn't even be considered a punishment. It's merely the least he could do if he didn't want to disgrace himself even more.

The principal was not up for apologizing for his wrong accusation and the punishment with the excuse that it could be taken in for breaking into school. Either way, it already happened so there wasn't anything that could have changed the outcome one way or another.

Our baseball team and basketball team were still not on the same page, though. I mean, I couldn't expect miracles to happen obviously. It's not like they started hating each other because of the incident. If you wanted to solve the problem, you had to grab it by the roots. 

And the only thing that actually got worse during the week was Christo's and Derek's relationship. Ricky and I agreed that we didn't want to butt in and mess in their business or in the worst case, cause even more problems. Thus, we just let them handle it.

...although they were doing a pretty bad job at it so far.


I was meanwhile sitting at the lunch table, Derek and Christo were again absent and Ricky couldn't stop stealing my food. "Hey stop!" I warned him. "Just because you didn't like what you chose, doesn't mean you can have mine!"

"Oh come on, can't you have a little empathy for my hungry tummy?" He complained. I blinked at him for a couple seconds before I just pushed him my tray without a word. "W-wait you don't want to eat?" He frowned. "But you have to!"

I was ready to open my mouth and spout something as stupid as what he just said, but I couldn't find anything fitting that reached that level of hypocrisy and therefore, I remained silent.

In that time, my eyes unconsciously followed Anderson that just entered the cafeteria door and pulled some gazes on him. I didn't really understand what the matter was with him. He seemed a little moody these days, but I couldn't tell from what. Because as far as I heard, it should be going quite well for him and his team.

"Hey Ricky, you don't ever want to make up with him?" I wondered.

"With who? Anderson?" His gaze also landed on him then. "Not really. He hates me. Why would I put any effort in that?"

"But what if he doesn't hate you in particular? And what if he actually wants to befriends with you, would you accept it?" I mean, I don't really know Anderson personally that well, nor can I tell how he acted before the incident, but if even Ricky himself claims that he wasn't that bad of a guy, then I didn't understand why they both were still on bad terms with each other when they actually have a lot of similarities.

"Well hypothetically, if you ask like that, I think I would. That rivalry is just a pain in the ass anyway. I don't know who started it or decided to keep it up, but what I do know is that it is not getting us anywhere. It's completely unnecessary. Not that Anderson himself would ever want to be friends with me, though," he shrugged and almost finished my meal while he was at that which is why I stared at him in a overly conspicuous way that made him stop shoving my meal in his mouth instantly. "Uh you were still planing on eating that?"

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