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I angrily stuffed the trash into the black bag I was holding. I was once again doing trash clean up for that fight. Not only am I doing this, but I also have Dean lurking close by. He saw me early this morning and since then been sticking close to me. I was sure he was going to make his move soon. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him since it's hot as hell out here but if I must, I will.

Now my clean up duties did end already but I was given a bit more days of suspension once Drake threatened to sue the school if I returned so fast. They gave into him and of course punished me more. Dickheads.

Another thing that has me irritated beyond words was the fact that Kevin was ignoring me. He took a trip to the police station to "Cool my head" he said. Yeah right, he's been there for seven hours already. This was not my day and I was slowly losing it. I was stressing more than normal and the urge to kill was steady growing stronger. I was sure that if Dean attacks me I would no doubt kill him on spot right now.

The man watching over me started to walk to his truck for his lunch. I glared at his back until he was seated inside before rolling my eyes. He was always quiet, thank goodness, but I hate how he acts like I'm not here. He rarely even tells me to eat lunch, just goes and eat without me.

I threw down the tool I was using and the bag, then took off my gloves. After throwing them away I walked to the bench close by I had set my beg on. I was seconds from throwing it into the street but thought against it. I sat on the bench and pulled out my wrapped sandwich and still cold coke soda. I heard footsteps making their way closer and was sure it was Dean. He must have thought I was too distracted to notice him. I rolled my eyes at his stupid way of thinking.

I stood up before he got too close and took a bite out of my sandwich. The sound of footsteps stopped, and I just stood there. I knew it was dangerous to have my back to him but at the same time I was too hungry to care.

"Turn around monster." Dean hissed out sounding closer then I thought.

I thought it over before turning to face him as told. He held a hand length blade with a silver handle. I looked at it, feeling the need to have that blade as my own. I took another bite of my meal as I watched Dean's every move. His glare was hard, but I could see how nervous he was.

I tilted my head at Dean waiting for him to move first. It was clear that he is waiting for the same thing. It was still early in the day so most of the residents were still at work. It was nearly empty out here except for us. The atmosphere was growing thicker by the second. It was clear that Dean wasn't going to make the first move.

"You didn't bring a gun, smart." I said as if I was speaking to a child. He clenched his jaw but didn't reply. "I want that blade."

"Come take it." Was his reply, not hesitating for a moment. I smiled and put my sandwich down than dusting off my hands. That was the smartest thing he's said to me yet.

I started walking towards him while keeping an eye out for anyone watching. His body tensed up even further the closer I got. When I was close enough to touch, he swung his blade quickly. I ducked, went under his arm and punched his ribs. He recovered fast and tried to swipe at me from the left. I laughed at him edging his anger on. He missed again as I took a step back and out of his reach. He held his ribs that I hit as we stood still for a moment, looking over each other. He went to swing again with the same hand and I again ducked and punched his same already hurt ribs. Before I could notice it, his leg had lifted, and I was kneed in the gut. I gasped as I put some distance between us.

"Is that all?" Dean said as he held his ribs.

I was sure I was bruising them and he was putting on a tough guy front. I smiled at him after I caught my breath and stood up straight. He watched me with a glare as I dusted off my shirt. "I could say the same." I said with a shrug.

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