Chapter 1: the Storm

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116 was a smartie in "the school." He liked to call himself Jason. At age 16, he was one of the oldest. However, he didn't look like it. He was tall but had an extreme case of baby face. This is what had gotten him bullied in the first place. No matter how hard he tried, he never could keep his jet-black down. He had dark brown eyes that seemed to flicker red when he got angry. He had a scar on his right palm that resembled an erlenmeyer flask

He loved chemistry and computer science. He would happily live his whole life in a lab if he could. He acted confident but was truly broken down inside.

He didn't remember a single thing about his real parents. He had been put into many foster homes, but each one ended up dumping him.

One glorious year, he was adopted by a rich scientist family from the west side. He got to go to the academy and his parents taught him chemistry. The parents were nice too. And he had an older brother. Granted, he was more annoying than an itch you can't scratch, but he was almost happy. Then, the incident happened. He had never told anyone about the incident before.

It was his 10th birthday. Jason's parents had taken him into to his lab for the first time. Jason thought it was too good to be true.

They were arguing about cold fusion when dads phone rang. He glanced down and picked it up nervously.

"Honey, let me take it. Your driving." Jason's mom said.

"It's him" Jason's dad replied.

Jason was mystified by this. His dad was a stickler for the rules.

"It is time." Jason almost thought he heard the voice say.

Jason's dad turned to look at him.

"Son I need to tell you some-"

The last thing Jason saw was a black corvette slamming into the car before everything went black.

The Feds questioned him. Apparently the impact of the car should have killed him. Maybe that was what his dad was trying to tell him. Maybe he was some kind of mutant freak that could turn into a green rage monster.

The day of the storm started out normal for him. He had spent the night in the chamber... again.

His current parents made the Dursleys look like model parents. They almost never picked him up from "the school."

He had stayed all night reading about Stephen Hawkins. He gave me some hope.

Stephen Hawkins suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Try saying that five times fast. He couldn't talk or walk but he was still successful.

The first to arrive at "the school" was a class clown called Kimbrell. Everybody gave themselves names at "the school." It was a sign of disrespect to be called by your number. Jason was almost never called by his chosen name.

Kimbrell seemed harsh. Jason hadn't really talked to her in person but she had kind of declared herself as the queen of the class clowns. She acted different when the bullies weren't here.

"Hi Jason." Kimbrell said.

Jason was flustered. He almost never was called by his chosen name. Especially by a girl.

"Hey Kimbrell." Jason responded.

"Why can't you trust atoms?" She asked Jason.

"I-I-I don't know" Jason punched himself for not knowing this.

"Because they make up everything." Kimbrell responded.

Jason laughed harder than he ever had before. He was impressed. She had managed to make a joke about something he enjoyed.

Suddenly, the door slammed open. The king of the bullies waltzed in with his group of minions.

He was tall enough to be in the NBA and rough enough too. He had her black hair and dark blue eyes that could burn through metal.

Jason wouldn't let his good luck end. He put on his most serious face and approached him.

"117" Jason smirked

The king of the bullies liked to be called Josh. Only Jason was brave enough to call him by his number.

"What did you just say?" Josh responded

"I'm sorry, are you too stupid to understand English?" Jason responded.

"You wanna go 116" Josh responded

"Are you really that-" Jason didn't get to finish his sentence.

Somebody had screamed at the window.

"What is it?" Josh asked while throwing the guy out of the way. ,

At the sight of whatever was out there Josh fainted.

The walls crumbled like the walls of Jericho.

Jason felt a wave of wind send him flying. Then he felt a tidal wave crash down on him. Then he was engulfed in furious flames. Maybe this is what it feels like to die. Jason thought.

He glanced up and saw a black corvette plummeting towards him.

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