Chapter 3 Evil rises

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Authors note: sorry I haven't updated in a long time. If you noticed I changed the title and cover. I decided that it wouldn't fit for what I decided to do with the story. After that cliffhanger. I'll leave you to it. Enjoy


Jason thought he knew fear. Nothing had prepared him for what was to come.

Every particle in Jason's body told him to run. But he seemed glued to his futile position.

"I-I watched you die. Y-you died with mom and dad" I managed to say

"You should be talking. You're supposed to be dead. We all are supposed to be dead. But were not. We are the overhumans. We are above them. And they have been wiped out. Only we remain!" He roared.

Questions welled up in my brain. So many questions.

"W-W-What is an overhuman?" I asked

"The overhumans are genetically modified humans that control their bodies. The only thing we all share in common is orphanage. We all have been taken in by the Borges. With you. They died. You're special. That's why you need to die" he stated

Fear coursed through my veins like wildfire. I knew I was in no condition to defend. I would be dead in seconds.

"Die little brother" he said as he raised his arm for the final blow that would end my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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