Chapter 2 The Aftershock

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Imagine the worst pain you've ever felt. Now multiply that by Gogol. That dosen't even come close to the pain Jason felt.

Jason's felt like every bone in his body was broken. To go along with that he had a headache, stomachache and every other ache in existence. On top of that, he felt like he had been hit by a fireball. Also, he felt like he got hit by a car. Oh wait, he was.

The memory came back to him. The black corvette crashing on him, the storms, everything.

Jason tried to sit up but the pain was too great.

For a while Jason just laid there. Finally, he gained the courage to open his eyes and sit up.

What Jason saw he never forgot. There was nothing. Nothing but rubble. The once bustling city of Jamalia was reduced to ash within minutes.
There's no one left. I am the last man standing. Jason suddenly felt hopeless. He had felt despair and sadness many times before, but nothing compared to the feeling of emptiness.

Jason found a nearby piece of glass to observe himself with. At the sight of himself, Jason felt the world spin then slowly he felt himself pulling away from the earth. He forced himself to refocus. He picked up a shard of broken glass to examine himself in.

His face looked like one of those half burnt face people on TV. But it was his whole face.

He dropped the glass immediately and scoured the horizon for shelter.

He finally spotted a small shack in the distance.
go there and find refuge. said a voice in his head. The voice was raspy and untrustworthy but Jason had this feeling that it was right.

Jason attempted to stand up. Suddenly a sharp, white hot pain throbbed his right ankle. He collapsed like a puppet without strings.

Jason glanced down at his ankle and saw bone.

That's never good. He thought.

use your head. the voice said.

Jason had no idea what the mysterious voice meant. Unless... no... it couldn't be.

Jason glared at his ankle, willing it to heal.

The wound started to close and Jason gasped. He lost concentration for a second and it reopened again.

The pain stung even worse than it had before. Jason forced himself to focus. He cleared his mind and willed his wound to heal.

Slowly, then all at once, his wouncd healed. Jason did thids with all of his wounds. Soon he felt like he could take on chuck norris.

Jason started towards the shack. suddenly, the ground trembled as if someome was shaking a piggy bank. Jason was jerked back and forth like someone was tossing him like a baseball. Jason knew that if there was anything left it would be destroyed now.

It stopped as suddenly as it started.
An aftershock Jason thought. Jason thought back to his readings on earthquakes. He remembered Hartner's theory of trinomial earthquakes. It stated that every earthquake has at least two aftershocks. The last being almost as bad as the original.
There's going to be more Jason thought.
Suddenly, a shockwave knocked Jason on his back. Well, there goes last man standing.
A man about 20 loomed over him. He looked like the type that girls would stare at as he walked by. His golden skin radiated power. He had light blue eyes that reminded him of. . . No it can't be. But his dirty blonde hair confirmed it.
"I-It can't be. Y-Your dead." Jason said in disbelief.
"Hello brother."

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