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The next morning, you did the usual and waiting outside for Mingrui outside



you two started walking and you starting to think about what Hanyu was talking about


"What? you're going to explain about how you don't want to let people know?"

you were a bit irritated at this point

"Fine. I won't say anything."


you and Mingrui were walking side by side, not looking at each other, both of your guys' arms are crossed, just looking straight, very unhappy

"Li Fang~"



"Yes! So you'll finally shut up about it!"

"I love you, Li Fang! He's right over there."

he points to one of the tables in the yard and you walk over to them

"Zhang Yao."

you stand at their table


he gives you a smirk

"Can you do me a big favor and give me one of those new controllers your dad came out with. Thank you, have a good d-"

"One thing."

you rolls your eyes and turn your head to look back at the three boys watching

"This hurts my pride..."

"pfft...pride but she doesn't want people to know me..." Mingrui said that under his breath but you still heard it.

you put your hands on the table and leaned in a bit


"Give me a kiss."

"A what now?"

"A kiss. Right on the lips."

"Sorry, can't do that? Is there anything else? I can get you..."

you take a coupon out of your pocket

"Free cup of bubble tea."

you place it on the table and slide it over to him. He shook his head and slid it back to you.

"Just one little kiss. What do you have to lose?"

You give a frustrated sigh. You looked back at your friends and saw that Mingrui didn't even care, he was just drinking water

"a boyfriend."

Mingrui choked on his water


"If I kiss you, I have a boyfriend to lose. So sorry Zhang Yao...can't kiss you."

you wink and walk back to your friends

you look at Shuyang and Zeyu then shrug

"Sorry. Won't budge."

you look at Mingrui with a smile

"Ready for class? got your shirt a little wet."

you rub off some of the water and hold his hand.

The Losers (Boystory Gou Mingrui FF)Where stories live. Discover now