Graduation Day

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-few days later-

you were already dressed, and at Hanyu's house, helping him get ready.

"Which side is the tassels supposed to be on?"

"Left side before you graduate. But you don't even need to put your cap on yet."

"You think Ty Lee will think I look nice?"

"Yes. She'll think you look fabulous."


"I don't know how girls talk. I've only had one."

"okay then. oh, and how was your little date with Mingrui. did you two make out in the playground or something."

"we did not, thanks for asking. was great. He was the sweetest thing ever. He tried winning me a stuffed toy, which I ended up winning for him...I thought it was kind of cute. And we held hands the whole was like straight out of the movie."

"awwww...I want that."

"You'll get that. Once you into college, all the girls will be over you."

"pfft, sure."

"I heard Ty Lee is going to school somewhere in Busan..."


"Don't get your hopes up."

"Aren't you moving to Busan too? I heard your mom talking about it."

"I'm what now?"

"You don't know?"

you shake your head

"Maybe I heard wrong..."

"I probably did. There's no way I'd be moving all the way to Korea."

you guys went to school and as the ceremony started, you couldn't really pay attention. You kept thinking and convincing yourself that you weren't moving, but there was that part of you that believed it. you cleaned over to your mom and whispered

"Hey, Mom..."

"What is it? Hanyu should be going up soon."

"Jia Bao Ge and I were are we moving? He said he over heard you talking about it."

a look of guilt came over your mom's face

"Sweetie, I was going to tell you, but we made a great deal on a house near your brother's"

"Next is Mrs.Lin's class."

"You didn't even tell me you were looking-"

"FangFang, this is his class."

"hm?...oh, right..."

"you alright?"

you bite your lip, deciding if you wanted to tell him or not

"I'm fine."

"Jia Hanyu."

all of you cheered and clapped, but you weren't really smiling

when it was over, you guys ran to him


"Good job!"

"oh, Senior He"

you walked over to him

"Congratulations. I didn't know if you saw but-"

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