11|love my way

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love my way

The lake was a little after the front yard of the house. The water used to be warm during the day, and Elis was happy to realise that it remained that way when she dabbed her foot in.

She then walked further into the water, with a pair of shorts and a tank top, similar to what Gray wore.

"It's warm, by the way," Elis called from the water. The water reached her chest now, and she was determined to go deeper.

Gray got into the water, skeptic when she saw just how deep it went. "I'm not a great swimmer though. So I'm just gonna swim around here."

"Come on," Elis chuckled, going underwater and resurfacing a little while later. "You won't drown or anything, I promise."

"You don't know that," Gray laughed.

"I'll hold you," Elis suggested, and Gray's heart couldn't be a lot faster. "How does that sound?"

"Sounds like I shouldn't, actually."

Elis smiled and swam over to Gray. She stood in front of the smaller girl, and then she slowly circled her arms around Gray's waist, pulling her deeper in the water with her.

Gray couldn't deny the offer even if she'd wanted to. Not with the way Elis was holding her. It was the first time both girls have ever been so physically close, their bodies pressed against each other as Elis took both of them deeper into the lake.

And the deeper they went, the closer Elis held Gray in her arms. The taller girl chuckled, seeing Gray's horrified face.

"Relax," she cooed, "I won't let you go."

"Did you used to swim here a lot?" Gray asked, acknowledging the urge to wrap her arms around Elis's neck.

"Not really. We only did when some of our friends came over to swim," Elis smiled. "In fact, Bryson didn't know a lot about swimming. Just like you."

"What did you used to do during the summer then?" Gray asked, growing to like the water as she began to move her legs around, while Elis still held a secure hold around her waist.

"I'd paint, almost every day. Bryson would inspect each one of my paintings and rate them all out of ten. I'd use the highest rated ones for painting competitions that I used to enter too."

Elis loosened her grip a little when Gray wanted to turn around, and now Elis's chest was pressed against Gray's back.

"Did you ever win?" Gray continued to ask.

"A few of them I did."

Gray turned her head around to look at Elis, a grin settling on her face. "That just makes me want to see you paint."

"I don't think that's gonna happen," Elis contradicted. "Let's go back in," the curly haired girl said, beginning to swim the both of them out of the lake. "There's something I wanted to show you."

"Is it one of your paintings?" Gray asked as both girls walked into the house.

Elis shook her head. "No," she answered. "It's something else."

The curly haired girl had thought about it all day. She wanted Gray to see the poem she wrote, but was skeptical of giving it to her because of how much Gray was in it.

Elis felt like she was in trapped in a fire that affected everything she did, every decision she made and she was forced to do nothing but surrender into it. She knew that not being able to spend a day without Gray crossing her mind not only meant that she was genuinely an unforgettable girl, it meant much more than that, much more than what Elis originally thought.

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