16|i've known who you are

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i've known who you are

Elis leaned forward with a cigarette balanced between her teeth, letting the ginger girl light it for her. She then took a long drag, blowing the smoke into the dark room before glancing at Gray.

The shorter girl was sitting cross legged on the bed in the corner, while Elis lied down on her stomach next to her.

"Thank you," Elis whispered as she took another drag. Gray arrived about an hour ago, and she'd found Elis waiting for her downstairs like the first night she secretly left her house to meet with the curly haired girl.

This would turn into a usual thing for both girls. They felt that they could only be with each other and behaving so sentimentally when nobody else knew of it. But Elis didn't care of that as much as Gray did.

Gray hadn't taken any type of measures in the past for aunt Lauren to know that she was even thinking of kissing people yet, let alone Elis whom she'd introduced to her in the means that they would become friends for as long as Elis was here.

"You're welcome," the ginger girl looked at Elis, a small grin on her face.

The older girl sighed, keeping the smoke between her fingers for as long as she stared at Gray.

Gray thought Elis was so many things. And without knowing it, she appreciated her more than she thought she would.

Being alone with her and not caring about any perspectives of people that were neither Elis nor her, that felt like she had the world right in the palms of her hands. And she'd protect it no matter what. Elis was her very own world in those times, and she'd give anything to make that last forever... way beyond the summer in which they met.

Gray reached for the book on the bedside counter, glancing at the blank cover that gave nothing as to what the thick book was about. "What's this?" She asked.

Elis glanced at the book in Gray's hands as she continued to smoke.

"Mythology. Mom gave it to me."

"Have you read any yet?" The ginger girl was impressed, her irises shining as she paged through.

"Kind of," the taller girl shrugged. "What I read I didn't really like."

"And what was that?" Gray raised her head to look at Elis.

The taller girl sighed, changing her position to sit upright. Keeping the smoke between her lips, she took the book from Gray and paged to the section under Egyptian mythology.

"Horus and Set?" Gray said, not recalling ever reading of them before.

Elis nodded before she shut the book again and tossed it back to the counter. Gray watched in amusement. "So you really do hate it, huh?"

"It's about two men using sex for their own selfish benefits."

"Sounds horrible."

"It is," Elis put off the smoke and placed it into the ash tray. She moved onto lie on the bed again, with her back against the mattress this time. Gray slowly exhaled before she lied down next to Elis. The taller girl brought her arm around Gray's shoulders when she came closer, while the ginger girl kept hers around Elis's waist.

This was their comfort place, their small safe haven.

"It was my first time," Gray breathed, looking up at the ceiling. Their breaths and soft voices were the only sounds that filled the dark room as Gray finished the thought. "It was my first time being with someone."

Elis looked at the girl in her arms, intrigued by her words. She turned around to lie on her side so that she was facing Gray fully now. And then she snaked her arm around Gray's waist, pulling her closer against her body. "What do you mean?" Elis softly asked, needing assurance over what Gray was saying.

"What happened a few nights ago... It was my first time."

"You were a virgin?"

Gray nodded.

She'd told to Elis one of the most personal things in her life, feeling comfortable in disclosing this to her. She felt more than she probably should, feeling like some part of who she was now belonged to Elis. But it wasn't because Elis had been her first time kisser and everything beyond that, it was because Elis opened up to her, showing to her more than anybody ever could, that it was possible to live not according to anybody but herself.

And it was when Elis kissed her that she forgot everything she wanted to say. The contact of their lips took both their breaths away. And Gray accepted Elis's kiss immediately when she slightly opened her mouth.

Her hands travelled to Elis's chest as she bravely undid the buttons of her shirt, one by one, giving more access to Elis's warm skin.

The taller girl had taken her own part by pulling Gray on top of her body, her hands clutching the shorter girl's hips as she pressed her harder against herself, needing to feel more of the ecstatic relief their bodies pressed against each other possessed.

And Gray moved her mouth to Elis's neck, pulling the taller girl's shirt off, her fingers sleekly unclipping her bra as well. And as Elis continued kissing the base of Gray's neck, she began to slide the straps of Gray's dress off her shoulders.

The ginger girl halted her movements for a while in that heated summer night. She was looking to feel Elis's lips against her body without any disruption, no interruption of any sorts and nothing the world could do to take away the circle of sexual frenzy both girls found themselves in.

And like Gray, Elis was dragged into a state of emotion so intense she was carried beyond rational thought and self-control, more so when the ginger girl leaned down to take Elis's breast in her mouth, her small hand softly squeezing the other. Elis let out a breathy moan, the feeling of Gray swirling her hot tongue over her hard nipple leading her insane.

The taller girl couldn't help not feeling Gray's skin to every inch that it stretched, and when she'd pulled the dress off the smaller girl's body in dire need of her, she didn't mean for the rip that happened to one of the dress's sleeves.

But she'd discarded it somewhere across the room, her hands moving to undress Gray off everything left on her skin, the other girl doing the same to her. Their naked bodies moulded into each other like perfectly fitted puzzles.

"Take me with you," the taller girl breathed into Gray's mouth. "Wherever you go. I don't want to be anywhere without you." She kissed her again, unknowingly leaving prints of her into Gray's soul.

And the shorter girl cried into Gray's mouth when Elis slid her hand down her body to find the middle of Gray's legs. She kissed her harder than she did before, swallowing Gray's moans when her fingers found the shorter girl's wetness.

"Elis..." The ginger girl whimpered just as when Elis entered her, taking them to a familiar place where only they existed.

It was cruel, this kind of passion. Yet it was of another type, this kind of love. It left them feeling fulfilled but hungry for more. And it wasn't just the touch of a lover onto the other, it was equivalent to the touch of Heaven on Earth, running through impossibilities and needing not to hide... not when they were with each other.

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