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The group is being lead by Wales to a huge building with old looking architecture. They are lead inside where they find a very fancy interior with gold and silver being sprinkled around the building.

Dimitri: It's a capitalist hideout.

John: It is definitely nicer than any place I have been in for 2 years.

Johnathan: Wait, Dimitri what do you mean by a capitalist hideout?

Dimitri: It looks like a place only rich people can afford.

Giovanni: Or multiple people who are spending their money together.

Kaito: Even the Emperors palace is being rivaled here.

John: I don't know, it looks a lot like Buckingham Palace.

Then they enter a room where they found a large table with multiple sofas and a single chair around it. Wales motions them to sit down and they all sat down on the coaches.

Kaito: Man, this sure beats a concrete bunker.

John: Better than a ship.

Karl: I had the luxury of staying at an abandoned inn.

John: I am not sure if that is a luxer-

Karl: They left all the alcohol in their barrels.

Giovanni: Why didn't we get that kind of luck.

Dimitri: Agreed comrade, speaking of which I am parched. *grabs flask and starts drinking from it*

Wales: Whats in it?

Dimitri: Vodka.

Wales: Oh. Well would anyone of you like some tea.

John: Oh yes I would love some please.

Kaito: I would also like some.

Wales: Well it's good to see some people have the basics.

Johnathan: Hey John, you know what my favorite flavor of tea is?

John: No, what is it?

Johnathan: Boston tea.

John: Very funny you yank. Now do you want some tea or not?

Johnathan:......can I have an English Breakfast please.

John: That's the spirit, can I have Darjeeling?

Kaito: Jasmine please.

Giovanni: Actually I will join in on the fun. May I please get Orange Pekoe?

Wales: Ok, Belfast!

John: Wait did you just say Belfast?

Wales: Yes...why?

John: That is a British light cruiser not a person, why would you call a ship to serve tea?

Belfast: Hello Mrs. Wales. I brought the tea set and the leaves.

John: Wait, Belfast is a person here?

Wales: Well yes if you don't mind me telling you, all the girls here are named after ships created by humans recently. We were very confused when you started listing ships back during the fight.

Dimitri: Wait, so ships are humans here?

Wales: Yes.

Johnathan: Aw man, I wonder what ships our family serve on looks like?

John: You too?

Johnathan: I have a brother who is a pilot on the Enterprise.

Enterprise: Someone called me?

The Soldiers of Azur LaneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon