Ride to Hogwarts: 1976

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Chapter Seven

On the next page, a short entry was scribbled out. Words were written all over the page with a shimmering, silver ink. Harry squinted, struggling to read the handwriting.

September 1st, 1976

Dear whomever is reading this and reccounting Sirius Black's greatness (If this is you Remus, I do hope you noted my use of the word "whomever," I thought you'd appreciate that. Also, STOP SNOOPING. Not that I think you'd snoop through my things, just on the off chance.)

I returned to Hogwarts today. Euphemia and Fleamont took us. I didn't see Regulus or mother at the station, but I guess that's probably a good thing. You should've seen James and his mum though. She hugged him and I don't let she'd have ever let him go if he didn't make such a fuss...

Harry tried to keep reading but suddenly the world began to spin. His surroundings blurred and grew out of focus.

Harry stumbled when he landed at what appeared to King's Cross Station. For a brief moment, he glanced around for Dumbledore, remembering that his last unintentional visit to King's Cross was when he was struck by Voldemort. However, the station looked completely normal. Children were mulling around, their parents in tow pulling their carts. The Hogwarts Express stood as real as ever, and when Harry peered inside the compartment, he could already see children inside.

Harry began walking through the crowd, and he was about to tap a black haired woman on the shoulder to ask what was going on when she began to speak.

"James, I am serious." Her voice came out stern and motherly. Harry peered over the woman's shoulder to see a face that he was hauntingly familiar with: it was his father, James Potter.

His hair was just as dark and messy as Harry recalled from Snape's memories. He still sported the same glasses he had been wearing for his O.W.Ls, but he somehow looked older, more mature, more like a man than a boy.

"Actually, I'm Sirius." Harry's head whipped around to come face to face with a handsome, long haired boy with piercing grey eyes.

Sirius wore a smirk on his face and didn't seem to see or notice Harry standing right in front of him.

"Shush, you. You're not helping." Euphemia Potter pointed a finger at Sirius and his smile only grew larger, flashing his perfectly white teeth.

"Sorry Euphemia. I was just stating facts." James' mother rolled her eyes, but there was a smile on her face.

"Listen up, both of you." The two boys both faced the older woman. "This is your sixth year at Hogwarts and I don' t want to hear about any funny business. Do you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am," both boys echoed.

"Well, I don't know about no funny business Mia." A tall, black-haired man with glasses came alongside Euphemia and placed a hand on her shoulder. He looked a lot like James, and, Harry realized, a lot like himself. Harry figured this must be his grandfather, Fleamont Potter.

"Fleamont," Euphemia started reasonably, as if she'd had this conversation before. "It is their first year preparing for the N.E.W.Ts, they can't afford to be distracted while preparing for dangerous or reckless pranks all over the school!"

"To be fair, we pulled dangerous and reckless pranks all of last year and still passed all of our O.W.Ls," James butted in, a mischevious smile taking over his face. His mother groaned.

"Just stay out of trouble, will you?" she pleaded. James and Sirius exchanged glances and sighed.

"We promise," they said in unison, but from Harry's angle, he could see Sirius crossing his fingers behind his back.

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