The Moment You've Been Waiting For

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Harry was sitting in Slughorn's room about an hour before Friday's detention was supposed to start. He was anxiously awaiting Malfoy, desperately wanting to talk to him. According to Slughorn, today was the last day that Malfoy had been assigned detention for being out of bed past curfew, meaning this was Harry's last chance to speak to Malfoy alone.

To calm his nerves, he reached inside his bag and retrieved Sirius' diary. It had been untouched since last week before the Quidditch match. Harry had been meaning to read more, but given everything that had happened over the past week, his mind was elsewhere. Now, he had the perfect excuse to read: he had time and he desperately needed to be distracted.

He found the next entry and began to read.

December 5th, 1976

Dear Book of Personal Annecdotes (I previously stated I was comfortable calling this a diary; I have now changed my mind),

Sorry it's been so long. Usually I write when I have time alone, but now it seems as if all my alone time is being spent with someone else (not that I'm complaining). I showed Moony a few of my entries, and he was actually impressed. Said something about how memory magic is incredibly difficult or something.

It's been, quite frankly, amazing. I never thought I was the relationship type; I never thought I'd ever want to settle down with someone, and that if I ever did, it would only be because of my family's wishes. Of course, I'm only seventeen, I shouldn't even be thinking about settling down with anyone yet.

I just can't help it. Merlin knows it's sappy, and I'd never admit it, but I think I'm falling in love. God, I'm just as bad as Prongs and his infatuation with Evans... 

Once the world stopped spinning, Harry opened his eyes to find himself submerged in inky blackness. His eyes quickly adjusted to reveal that he was standing in the center of the Astronomy Tower, and two shadowy figures were sitting on the edge, dangling their feet down. One of the figures coughed, and Harry watched smoke trail up from where he was sitting.

"How do you smoke this stuff?" Sirius sputtered, still coughing and waving the smoke away from his face.

"Practice." Remus took the joint out of Sirius' hands, his fingers lingering just a second too long. He took a drag and puffed out a perfect ring of smoke.

"I think this is the hottest thing I've ever seen," Sirius mused, grinning widely.

"What is?" Remus asked, cocking his head. Harry was starting to make out their facial features despite the dark. The moon hung overhead like a lantern in the sky, illuminating the grounds below.

"You, sitting there, in your sweater, smoking a joint like some... I dunno, some punk rock nerd or something."

"Punk rock nerd?" Remus lifted an eyebrow and nodded aprovingly. "I quite like that."

"I like it too," Sirius' hands inched their way to Remus' knee. "I like a lot of things about you," he commented absentmindedly.

"I like a lot of things about you too," Remus hummed, leaning into Sirius' touch. Harry watched as they moved closer together, close enough to seem as though they were joined at the hip.

"Like what?" Sirius smirked and poked Remus' nose.

"Like..." Remus paused, thinking and fiddling with the joint. Sirius snatched it and took a long drag, coughing violently afterwards. "You okay?" Remus leaned his head down and stroked Sirius' hair. Sirius nodded, covering his coughing, and gestured for Remus to continue. "Like how you do things like that."

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