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Chapter Sixteen

It was the Friday before the first Hogsmeade trip of the school year when Harry found that he couldn't sleep. Because of this, he continued on in Sirius' diary, flipping to the next entry.

November 3rd, 1976

Dear I'm-too-tired-to-address-this-right-now,

Wormtail and I pulled the most incredible prank today. After the whole Snivellus incident at the beginning of term, we've been secretly planning how to get revenge. Of course, pranking is a lot easier with Prongs and Moony, but with Remus being a Prefect and James trying to get on Lily's good side, neither of them wanted anything to do with our mischief. Like Remus likes to say, "If I didn't see it, I can't report it."

We sent him a love letter (of course, addressed from Evans, since everyone knows that the greasy haired git fancies her, Merlin knows why). Peter even faked her handwriting and everything. Anyway, the letter told Snivellus to meet Evans by the Great Lake, and when he got there, Petey and I dropped color-changing hair potion on him. So now, he's not only got the greasiest hair I've ever seen, but also the pinkest!

The best (and worst) part is that no one knows it was us. Minnie has her suspicions of course, but she can't prove anything, which means me and Wormy get out scot-free. Of course, this also means we get none of the credit. Alas, fate is a cruel mistress.

It's the day before the full moon, which means Moony couldn't sleep. He never sleeps the night before his transformation. I don't think James or Peter have noticed. I've started staying up with him, at least part way through the night, over the last few months. I'd never tell him why my sleepless nights seem to coincide with his, and he hasn't said anything yet, but I'm pretty sure he's figured it out by now. Moony's smart like that...

Harry closed his eyes and waited for the spinning sensation to cease. When he opened them and looked around, he found that he was back in the Gryffindor boy's dormitory. This time, the lights were off and the room was silent, save the soft snoring coming from the bed in the corner. Harry peered around the room, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. If everyone was asleep, why would Sirius put this memory in his diary?

Suddenly, a shadowed figure threw the blankets off of himself and crept across the room, taking care to not awaken the other boys. The figure had distinct long, black, way hair, and Harry knew he was looking at his godfather. Once he reached a bed across the room with a soft light emitting from the closed curtains, he leaned in and whispered:

"Moony, you awake?"

Harry heard a rustle come from behind the curtains and he began to tiptoe towards the bed when he remembered that this was a memory and he didn't have to be careful about waking the boys.

"Yes," a quiet voice whispered back. "And I'm performing very inappropriate activities behind these curtains." Harry could practically hear the smirk in Remus' voice.

"Really?" Even in the darkness, Harry could make out Sirius' raised eyebrow. A soft chuckle came from the bed.

"No, you perv, I'm reading." A hand pulled the curtains open, revealing an obviously exhausted Remus. His hair was disheveled and stuck out at odd angles, striking Harry as looking like he stuck his fingers in a light socket. The bags under his eyes were more pronounced than usual, and he looked far older than sixteen. "Come on in," Remus said, waving Sirius inside with his book still in hand. He scooted to the other side of his bed to make room for his friend, and Sirius clambored in. Harry followed, sitting at the foot of bed so he could observe the interaction.

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