Meeting Him(Shi-Kun)

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The sound of motorcycles are loud and they make me drop my books. Oh no. My brother will kill me if he finds out I dropped the books he needs for class. The only reason he let me bring his books was that he overslept and ran out of the house after getting ready in two minutes. In his rush, he forgot his books, so he sent me a text to go home and bring them to him. 

I only hope he doesn't get mad at me. Last time I made him mad, he locked me in the basement for five hours and my only fear is the dark. Ever since my parents died in a car accident while going through a tunnel, I need to sleep with someone or have to take medicine to fall asleep. 

" Shit, I hope Ani-Luka isn't mad at me."

I pick up the books and as I'm about to walk toward the school, I hear tires close. Scared, I look at my right and as I feared, a motorcycle I about to hit me. Scared, I jump out of the way but the driver hits a wall while trying to not hit me. 

Relieved I'm alive and my brother's books are okay, I hurry to the third year classroom. Curious eyes turn to me but I ignore them and walk towards my brother's desk. All his friends are around him and they all wink at me. Gross. Why can't he tell them to leave me alone? Taking a deep breath, I ignore his friends and hands the books over to the more-than-happy Luka-Kun. 

Hugging me, he thanks me and tells me to hurry to class. I nod and as I'm about to leave, one of his friends grab my knee. Tired of this, I stop and slap the hand away. Angry, he forces me to turn around and pull me toward him. All his other friends distract him and he has no idea what's going on.

So this idiot fool thinks I'm some innocent angel, does he? Very well, two can play his game. I put on a frightened face and tears drop my cheek. Surprised, he holds on to me tighter and whispers to not cry. As if I would listen to this man. I make sobbing noises and my brother starts to wonder who's crying. Good. Now, to the final phase. 

" P-Please, don't hurt me again. I promise to not tell Mamuro-Kun that you forced me to kiss you. J-Just let me go."

As I expected, by mentioning the nickname for him when I'm in danger, he looks up and sees me with the fake tears and scared expression. Angry that someone hurt me, he stands up and stomps toward the soon-to-be-dead friend. I cry harder and this fool slaps me. Of course, I'm now angry and my revenge will be more severe now. 

I get closer to my victim and stomp on his foot lightly. Annoyed, he slaps me harder and isn't even aware my brother is right behind him. As planned and predicted, he grabs his fake friend by the shoulder and throws him off me. Sobbing relieved, I watch as he punches him ten times and then kicks him to the wall. He lands hard against the wall and groans in pain. 

My brother gets in front of me and warns everyone around the now injured guy. I can hear the anger in his voice and so does everyone else. 

" If you touch my sister again or make her cry, take it for granted I'll make your life a living hell. Am I clear? No one is allowed to touch my sister or harm her in any way."

Making my tears less, I start calming down and hug him tight from behind. Of course, he has always been taller than me so he has to bend down to hug me back. Playing with my hair softly, he calms me down and tells me to go to class before anyone else decides to bother me. I nod, give him a quick kiss on the cheek and walk out of the classroom.

I reach the building exit and laugh. How can people be so easy to trick? I'm so happy to have a brother that protects me from everything. I'm thinking about my great acting skills when someone grabs my shoulder tightly. Confused, I turn around and find myself looking at a gangster. Oh great. My brother is in class and can't help me this time. I guess I'll just use my old tricks again.

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