Chapter 3

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"Are we in Takodana?" Rey asked.

"It doesn't look it—the trees are different," Master Luke answered.

He was right. These trees were taller and not as dense as the jungle-like planet. Pine trees; oak trees; and other species Rey didn't know, but they matched the woodlands. It was still pretty and serene, quiet looking.

Where did the black hole put them, though?

"Land there," Master Luke said, pointing at an opening where the forest ended. On the right of the tree line, the slightly rolling, vast grasslands seemed to go on forever. Rey positioned the Dart over a flat section with the forest at a safe distance and lowered it to the ground.

She hadn't spotted any kind of settlement or sign of civilization when they flew over the trees. If there was anybody living on this planet, she bet they lived within the forests. Isolated, hidden, and probably suspicious of outsiders.

After making sure the raised wings were set and the Dart secure on the ground, Rey swiveled her chair to pull up the holographic map of the entire Galaxy on the holotable. Various planets, moons, and stars floated before her in a blue light.

Unfortunately, it seemed the map didn't even know where they were. The view of the Galaxy shook as the guidance system couldn't pinpoint their location. It would zoom in on a planet only to back out and switch to another to do the same.

"Perhaps we're in the Unknown Regions," Master Luke suggested.

Rey switched off the useless map. "Wherever we are, I'm not listening to you again."

"Never? Alright, then. I'll stop talking."

She rose from her pilot seat to leave. "You won't hear me complaining." Rey smirked at him as she headed out of the cockpit.

He grumbled under his breath behind her, but followed.

The Dart was a Mandalorian ship, part of the Fang class. It had a two-man cockpit like the Millennium Falcon, but unlike it, there was a small cargo hold, no main hold to relax in, and lacked a quad laser. Rey controlled the guns on the wings from the cockpit. While engaged in a fight, the wings rotated around her cockpit, and when landing, the wings also rose to stand upright. She flipped up the switch to open the boarding ramp—which was nearly the entire backend of the ship—and went down.

Her first goal was to look around to get a feel of the place—sense if there was any need for caution because of some imminent threat. All she got was a deep sense of peace in the land. It seemed like after eons of hardship, the earth had finally settled... But now there was uncertainty. Unease. She felt it was centered around her ship—she was a foreigner bringing unwelcome change.

To be so in tune with the land...

This place is different, Master Luke said in her mind. He understood the need of telepathic communication since they were in an unknown place. It may be best if they kept him a secret.

Rey replied the same. I know, but I like it. It's... soothing here. But it is colder than I like.

The air was mild but it had a slight nip. Her thin desert clothes didn't supply much warmth.

Aww, poor you, he said sarcastically.

She cut her eyes at him before moving on to her next goal: inspect for damage. Rey scrutinized the Dart, hoping she would find some dent on her gray and black ship that could explain why the guidance system was messed up. There was nothing.

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