1: Fun Little Sterotypes

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Every school has that one guy. The football star that all the students (including the straight boys and lesbian ladies) are in love with. He has dark hair, light eyes, the body of a god, and the manor of a British schoolboy.

I, sadly, am not this stereotype of a perfect gentleman. That title belongs to the insanely beautiful Alec Clyborne. And yes, before you ask, I've been in love with him for roughly fifty-seven years.

I'm a junior, he's a senior. He's straight (supposedly) and I'm a walking pride parade of rainbows. I mean, he's never shown a single ounce of MLM energy and I think he's mildly homophobic but that doesn't mean a boy can't hope.

Anyways, like I said, I'm a junior so I don't have many classes with him. But luckily for me, we both have seventh hour PE which basically means I spend an hour a day staring at his abdomen. Before you jump to conclusions and tell me that I'm a creep I would just like to reiterate that everybody is in love with Alec so if you want to come after me, you have to come after the entire student body.

Along with PE, we have the same lunch hour. Me and Vivian spend the half hour obsessing over RENT and The Book of Mormon while I watch Alec out of the corner of my eye. I may not be the handsome football stereotype but I am a theater gay. Do whatever you so please with this information.

I'm not sure if Viv knows I'm gay. I think she might be bi but we don't really talk about sexuality or crushes together. It's not a secret, technically, she just never asks. Our conversations mainly consist of "Did you hear that Ben Platt is doing a new musical?" and "Oh my god. Leslie Kritzer did this interview with Playbill, you need to see it." so my homosexuality and her speculative bisexuality are left unsaid.

Sometimes I find myself wondering what Alec would think of my interests. Yeah, the vast majority of the sports teams would puke at the thought of going to see Hadestown on Broadway but hey, maybe he's different. Or at least that's what I tell myself.

I'd be kind of depressing if I suddenly learned that I was wrong and that we have nothing in common. My solution to this problem? Never talk to Alec Clyborne. Even if I, a measly eleventh grader, could muscle up the courage to actually approach him I'd probably be too scared to say anything.

Just because I can recite a script in front of three-hundred people doesn't mean I can formulate a grammatically correct statement when standing in front of a man I've loved for the past five years.

I'm sitting in class right now, daydreaming about Alec if you haven't caught on. I'm meant to be taking notes on the video my history teacher is playing but the lights are off, the blinds are down, and the faint glow of the TV is hard to focus on.

Viv sits across the classroom near the door. She's doing the work as she always does. Smart little son of a bitch, that one is. Her hair is frizzy which means she attempted and probably failed to brush it this morning.

She's short with reddish-brown, curly hair that she dyes every once in awhile. I absolutely adore her and I think if I liked women I'd have a crush on her. We met in first grade when she moved to Arizona from Washington State. The first thing young Vivian Bail said to me was "Hi! You're my friend now." which was one hell of a power move if you ask me. It worked, though. Even now, however many eons later, we're inseparable.

She looked so focused at the moment, staring intently at the TV screen and not glancing at her paper as she wrote. As impressive as this seems, it is not an effective way to take notes. I've seen her schoolwork. It's nearly impossible to read.

My mind drifted off again and back to Alec as it so often does. I thought of him in the way I saw him in the locker room everyday. Shirtless, hair slicked back, and skin shining brightly in the artificial lightning. He appears to be so rough on the exterior but you can tell in the way he laughs with his friends and helps the freshman to their classes that he's a really nice guy on the inside.

You know, usually I don't go for the broad types. Especially not the ones who play football, drive trucks, and probably listen to country music.

I think the only reason I noticed him in the first place is because when I was in seventh grade his name stood out to me during attendance in some elective I can't remember. Alec is short for Alexander and my show tunes strewn brain automatically went to Hamilton when I heard it. So, I looked over at him and just... wow. I was expecting someone who looked like Lin-Manuel Miranda but boy was I wrong. Even at age 12 he was tall with that damned wavey hair that always looks perfect even without product.

The video ended and the teacher turned the lights back on which made me squint against the brightness. Viv did the same which made me smile. She really was adorable.

"Well, you all know what your homework is," the teacher said which reminded me that I hadn't been paying attention at all and that no, I did not know the homework. "The bell is going to ring in a minute so you all can talk amongst yourselves."

Viv slid her notebook into her bag and scuttled over to me, sitting on my desk so that she was above me. She always did this. She said that making me look up at her for a change made her feel powerful considering I was about a foot taller than her.

"Hiya," she grinned. "Are you ready for rehearsal today? I'm excited."

"I can tell," I replied. "The first rehearsal is always the most fun."

Our school does two shows a year, one per semester. To my complete annoyance, the other theater nerds had chosen High School Musical for spring. I'm playing Coach Bolton, Viv plays Kelsi because neither of us can sing but I'm good at projecting and Viv is... well, Viv. The physical embodiment of Kelsi.

Alec didn't do theater. That wasn't his thing, although he did play basketball in middle school so he could've added some pizzazz to Get'cha Head in the Game.

The bell rang which caught me off guard. I quickly shoveled my supplies into my bag and walked with Viv to her next class before splitting ways.

History was our sixth hour which meant it was now time for PE. Good.

The brief walk from the main building to the gym was torture considering it was one-hundred-eight degrees outside. I'm being serious. I live in an oven the size of an American state.

I struggled with the lock on my locker for a bit when I got inside, eventually shoving my bag in and getting changed into the standard PE uniform that consisted of a grey T-shirt and black shorts.

I leaned against the lockers and looked towards Alec. There he stood, six feet of perfection. He'd already changed his clothes which was disappointing.

He was talking with a senior friend of his called Daniel.

"I already told Coach that I'm missing practice today." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Why do you need to skip to go watch your sister's dumb rehearsal, anyways?" Daniel complained.

Wait, what?

"Because she asked me too and I said yes?" Alec said, though it was more of a question. "I'm not flaking on her."

Did Alec really just say he was going to watch the rehearsal? As in my rehearsal?

I tried not to smile but it didn't work and I got a few strange looks from the other kids. Alec, the one and only Alec, would be watching me make a complete fool of myself with a basketball and whistle for four hours?

Hell yes.


A/N: Did you guys enjoy the first chapter? If you did, please remember to leave a vote because validation makes me feel nice.

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