4: Normalities

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Unless Alec is playing some cruel joke on me, I was right. Also, he was most definitely flirting with me. But was it genuine? I wasn't sure.

Yes, I'm well aware that I overthink everything. In my defense, lots of guys fake-flirt with other guys because it's funny. He was staring at my groin, though. That part was undeniable. And I kept catching him looking at me throughout PE.

Maybe I'll ask him about it tomorrow.

We have rehearsals every other day which meant I was free to go home after seventh hour. Viv was waiting for me in the seat we usually share when I got on the bus.

"Hey," she said quietly. "About earlier-"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I think I was just tired, or something."

She looked over at me, nodding. "Okay." I don't know why she dismissed it so easily. Yes, I wanted to tell her that Alec really had some sort of super power but she was concerned enough as it was.

She leaned her head against my arm, closing her eyes. Her script for High School Musical was in her hand which meant she was probably scoring her lines, not that she had very many. I think she envied me for that. I never got leads but I always had the bigger role. Probably because I'm one of the only boys in drama.

When we got home she hugged me goodbye which was normal. Normality was good. Especially because I haven't wrapped my head around Alec yet.

I went straight to my room as I did yesterday and my phone vibrated with a text message. It was from a girl in my drama class. Lily Clyborne - Alec's younger sister.

Chills ran down my back when I read what it said. "My brother told me what you know."

Wait, since Alec has powers, does that mean Lily does too?

"Yes, and?" I replied.

"If you tell anybody you'll regret it."

Bold talk, especially from a fourteen year old. "Alec properly warned me yesterday."

She didn't respond.

I found it strange at first that a freshman was playing Gabriella but after I heard her sing the reason was obvious. This girl had the most melodic voice I'd ever heard with the range of a goddess and the inflection of an award winning Broadway star.

I collapsed on my bed. Just because she could sing didn't mean she could do any real harm. I've decided that tomorrow, during PE, I'm going to ask Alec more about himself. Well, not himself as a person, but his abilities. I was tempted to text Lily asking for his number but I decided against it.

Did his entire family have powers or was it just him? Was this a Superman senecio and Alec wasn't even human? What else could he do besides lift me up and make some water float?

Could he fly? Could he control the weather? I was desperate to know.

I may be getting my hopes up, but I think he likes me. Not crush-likes me. But as a friend. Somebody he can trust enough to tell me about his abilities. That is, of course, assuming I'm the only one who knows.

Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night thinking of Alexander Clyborne.


I woke up with sunbeams tearing my face apart. I checked the time and saw that I had indeed slept through my alarm.

Slowly but surely I dragged myself out of bed and threw on a fantastical outfit of jeans and a zip-up jacket.

Yes, yes, I know I live in Arizona and it's March. Do I care? Not at all.

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