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"Okay, Nora, the last stretch test," Ben said and placed his warm hands on Nora's left leg; it was time for the bent knee stretch test.

Nora nodded and bit on the inside of her cheek. Her eyes were focussed on the ceiling, she was trying to distract herself on concentrating on the pain. Ben brought her leg into maximal flexion at her hip and knee. Nora squeezed her eyes closed and held in her breath.

Ben noticed the reaction of Nora. "Remember to breathe, and think of something else. Think of something that will release the tension."

He slowly extended her knee as far as possible, but stopped when Nora couldn't hold it. "You did fine," he softly said and placed her leg next to her other leg again. "We're finished. You are making progress. What did you think?"

Nora deeply inhaled and relaxed all her limbs, what a torture. "Painful," she whispered. "It feels like you're trying to kill me."

A chuckle left his mouth. "Do not overreact, Nora. For real, how did it go?" His blue eyes pierced her brown eyes.

She shrugged. "I don't know. Fine, I guess," she answered and sat up. "Do I really have to stretch all my muscles all the time? I don't see the positive in it."

"Stubborn, as always," Ben said and padded her shoulder. "Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong and healthy. Especially now, it is important."

"And why are you doing this and not Damien?"

Ben was silent, and he turned away from her. "I can ask Damien if he will be here the next time, no problem at all. I'm a lot nicer than him, don't you think?"

Nora looked at him. "You just miss me," she teased and got up from the table.

"You have no idea how much quieter, peaceful and better it is now you're gone," he shot back. They both locked their eyes and laughed. "Damien had other things to do and doctor Kline put me on your service today."

Nora nodded, impressed. "Luxurious, service at home," she said and left the sports room. Ben grabbed his stuff and followed her. "I feel like I'm as stiff as a stick," she whined and made a ponytail in her hair.

"That means I did a good job," Ben smirked and ran his hand through his hair.

"Brilliant," she mumbled sarcastically. "Anyway, fancy a cup of tea? Or do you have to go?" Her eyes found his, and she politely smiled.

Ben licked his lips and smiled, but shook his head. "No, thanks. I have to get back to the hospital."

She nodded and stopped walking when they arrived in the hallway. "Yeah, of course," she replied.

"I will let myself out," he said and held up his hand. Nora gave him a high-five. "Good job, you did well. I will call you in a few days for an update, and I will see you next week," he said and took on his coat.

"Good luck with saving lives, I hope you won't torture your patients as much as you torture me," Nora teased and gave him a cheeky smile.

"This was nothing," he chuckled. "Bye! Say hi to your dad and Victoria." Ben smiled and walked towards the front door.

Nora nodded. "Cheers." She waited in the hallway for Ben to leave. She gave him a smile and walked to the kitchen, to see her step mum.

Ben closed the front door behind him, put his backpack on his back and put on a black beanie. He grabbed the keys from his bike out of his pocket and walked towards his bike. In the meantime, he grabbed his phone and earphones to listen to some music during the ride to the hospital.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now