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George and Nora entered the lift when the doors opened. Nora's eyes rest on him, she followed every movement he made. She bit on the inside of her lip and leaned against the wall of the lift. George pressed on the right button of the floor they were staying and stood next to her. He could feel her eyes burning on his skin, it made him smile shyly, and he looked down. The doors closed. George didn't wait any longer and stood in front of Nora. Their eyes met. George put his hand on Nora's cheek and leaned in.

Maybe the time stopped when his lips met hers, but the flutter only intensified. Nora's heart was pounding in her chest as her knees got weaker. She got only focus on how soft he felt against her mouth, how addictively it was. Could this be a dream, or was it real? Nora wasn't sure about this moment.

For the first time since he'd known himself, George didn't feel shy anymore. He pulled back for air and opened his eyes, he was sneaking a guilty peek at her just to make sure it wasn't a product of his imagination. George couldn't help it, but a small smile grew on his lips. Her warm breath touched his skin. Nora pressed her lips back on his; he kissed her back, open-mouthed, soft lipped kissing-her-back.

The lift stopped moving, and the doors opened. Nora pulled back, and she and George both looked at the exit of the lift; they were on the right floor. Nora looked at George and bit her lip, she didn't want this to be it, she didn't want this to be over. George thought the same and grabbed her hand. They walked through the hallway. Adrenaline was rushing through Nora's body. George opened the door of his hotel room and took Nora inside with him.

As soon as the door closed, George pressed Nora against the wall and locked his lips with hers again. Heat rose from Nora's stomach to her chest, her heart was racing in her chest. She parted her lips, and George pressed his tongue inside her mouth, gently but demanding. Nora's body tingled, the feel of his frame leaning on hers felt nearly forbidden. Everything around George became a blur, he was only focused on Nora. He felt her washing over like a wave of warmth, unfurling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all his thoughts.

They were kissing like crazy like their lives depend on it. Nora suddenly understood why people describe kissing as melting because every square centimetre of her body dissolves into his. Her fingers gripped his hair, gently pulling him closer. Her veins throb and her heart exploded. She never wanted anyone like this before.

Small shivers of pleasure shot through George when the kiss deepened, he stopped thinking. He felt Nora sealing the tiny space between him and her. He sparked love, his heart swelled to the point of nearly bursting.

Nora's hands were moving down from his chest to the last button of his shirt. She unbuttoned it and slowly made her way up to unbutton his shirt. Her fingers touched tenderly his skin underneath the shirt, her fingers on his body was like fire. Nora pushed the shirt over his shoulders, and it fell on the ground. George broke apart, long enough to pull Nora's T-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. His hands slid around her head, pulling her back to his mouth.

His hands were on her hips, and he lifted her up as if she was made of air. Nora wrapped her legs around his waist, and they moved away from the wall. Their lips remained sealed while George gently laid her down on the soft bed. It was like they couldn't get enough of each other. Their hips were moulded together, and they moved against one another. Her fingers ran down his chest, to the button of his jeans. She unbuttoned it.

Their kiss slowed down, it became tender and more infinitely. It was like they were getting to know each other on an intimate level. Nora was breathless and dazed, she was unprepared for all of this. George pulled back and pressed soft, wet kisses on her bare skin. He started in her neck and slowly trailed down to her bosom. Nora's body ached for more than just kisses and touching - she wanted more of him. George wanted more as well. His powerful body shook like Nora's body.

The Blackout ⤖ George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now