Chapter 1: New Island Life

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It had been two weeks and a half since the escaping the Neo World Program. After escaping, they had set sail to the real Jabberwock island. The idea of living in the area of the ones who saved the survivors, Makoto, Kyoko, and Byakuya, came into mind. However, they all agreed to not venture off and settle there, the reasons being, they were the former Ultimate Despairs and wouldn't expect the warmest of welcomes. And so now, that brings it all to today, on the island is the survivors along with their comatose friends. Using their hope, they wait for them to awaken once again.

  — Sonia's POV

       I entered into my cottage, pacing around the room for quite a bit. My mind had been troubled with thoughts, clouding my head up darker than a thunder-stormed sky. Ever since getting back onto the island, I have been worrisome about the others stuck in their seemingly endless slumber. I don't even know if there is a chance that they could wake up, but I do hope for it. I had decided to stretch and work on myself to relieve these heavy thoughts, the weight had lift some, there is still it's presence.

"I just must be tired." I has said to myself, it had been a long day working after all.

Now that we aren't in a simulation or such anymore, the restaurant and market cannot magically restock with supplies. For that, we've been rationing and, with Hajime's leadership, planning to use the farm to fulfill our needs. Giving one more big, final stretch, I got ready for bed by changing into my pajamas. It was a green silk nightgown, nothing too fancy, it just had a bit of lacing at the collar and sleeve areas with a dark green lining.

Before getting onto my bed, I must check on the four Dark Devas of Destruction that Gundham had passed to me before his... Reminded of that I stared blankly at the cage, those heavy thoughts coming back again. For some odd reason, the ones of him were the heaviest, we grew so close when at the funhouse, despite the starvation we felt. Shaking those feelings away, I checked up on them, making sure their water and food were freshly filled, playing with them. Although I do care for them, I still have much to learn. Sun-D squeaked and climbed onto my hand, I gave him a seed to munch on and many many pets.

"Maybe one day he'll wake up and see you all again." I wished saying to Sun-D. He squeaked back in agreement, still stuffing his face with the seed. After putting them back and closing the cage, I turned off the lights and stumbled onto my bed. Pulling the blankets on me and shutting my eyes, I lay for a few moments before fully drifting off to sleep.

       As the sun was rising and night sinking away, light had crept into the room through the window. This had woke me up, letting me know it was time to start another day. Trying to shake off my sleepiness, I had grabbed a set of clothes and hopped into the shower. It's always good to start the day as fresh as clean to wash off from yesterday. I had to make my shower brisk because it was my turn to be watching over the coma-stuck friends. Perhaps that is why I was so weary last night, I knew I would have to see their still, emotionless faces stuck like that for however long it took. After changing into my day clothes and putting my hair up, I checked on the hamsters again. They were doing normal which is good, and I got ready to leave my cottage.

       Stepping out the door, even after the horrendous killing game, we still always plan to meet first thing in the morning at the restaurant. That way Hajime can give us our tasks for the day, however I already knew what mine were. But regardless, I will still meet up with everyone just to see friendly, familiar faces. I always arrive at the restaurant first though, mainly since I get there 13 minutes early like usual. It is a Novoselic custom that I will always hold, but only a few moments later, the restaurant began to fill with everyone else.

       The first being Hajime himself, it made sense for him to be here mostly earlier than everyone else.

       "I'll never be able to beat you to here," Hajime joked, "Even if I was 13 minutes early, somehow you still would."

       "Do not be hard on yourself, maybe one day you will" I replied with a little bit of a smirk. After our short discussion, the rest came in. Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi entered together while Akane came in a bit late as usual. We had all sat down, this is the time Hajime gives our breakfast rations and orders.

       "Looks like we're all ready" Hajime said, "Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi will be handling supplies and working on the farm area. I want Fuyuhiko specially to do supplies more while Kazuichi focuses on the farm. But be near each other if you two need any assistance." The two looked at each other and nodded to Hajime, it was often that they were to work on supplies or the farm, but sometimes I'd be the one to handle supplies. However for the farm, it was either Akane or Kazuichi's job normally. "Akane and Sonia, you two will be at the hospital looking over the rest of them, you'll both be watching 5 of them"

       "Great, who'll you give me this time?" Akane puffed, she'd always get in a fit if she couldn't watch over Nekomaru.

       "Don't worry, I think you'll be happy this time," Hajime sneered, "You'll look over Nagito, Peko, TeruTeru, Nekomaru, and Byakuya (Imposter)"

       "I must admit that's better than last time" Akane chucked, shrugging her shoulders.

       "I know you must be happy with this one, huh?" Hajime joked back, "Anyways, the rest are for Sonia, you'll watch Mikan, Hiyoko, Mahiro, Gundham, and Ibuki"

"Thank you, Hajime." I dipped my head a little as thanks, I don't mind which ones I have to watch over like Akane does, but I understand her want to always look over Nekomaru. Maybe I have that same feeling too, sometimes watching over them doesn't feel all right when one is missing. Just must be a weird hunch though. After finishing our breakfast, we separated into our two groups. Akane always tries to make it a race to the hospital, maybe one day she hopes to see everyone awake when she enters. But I will not lie, I wish for that too... I do every time.

Entering into the hospital, it was the same as ever, all bodies still in the same position as before, still as ever. Akane rushed into Nekomaru's room first, she always put him as her highest priority when she has him. I entered the room that Ibuki stayed in, she was always so energetic and interesting, that is what it takes to be the Ultimate Musician after all. I made sure is was doing okay, well, okay for being in a coma. And she was doing fine as ever, then going into Mikan's room. If only she were here, I bet she'd know what to do being a nurse. Maybe if she wakes up first, she'll know how to figure out the rest.

Then finally going through all the rooms I had one left, Gundham's room. For unexplainable reasons, I always tense up before going. Going into the room of the one I've seen so much of, how he'd go on and on about his hamsters and other tamed animals. Showing me the tricks he'd teach them. And telling be all about his dark powers of the underworld. To him, I am a low level demon but he had offered training of some sort, which I gladly accepted at the time. Let's hope for his awakening to continue that training. I thought that all to myself while looking at him, unknowingly that a smile snuck onto my face.

       Suddenly out of nowhere... CLASH.... Then what followed was a scream, it came from one of the rooms. I rushed to the exit of Gundham's door, looking at him one last time before going into the hall, trying to find which room those noises had came from. After searching every one of them, I finally found which one was the source of the sound. And what I saw was truly filled with hope... and lots... and lots... of... luck...

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