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Smutty!!! ;)


"Alexander, darling, wake up! It's Christmas!!!" Magnus was shaking Alec's shoulder gently hoping not to startle him.

"C'mon sweetheart lets go open presents!" Alec's eyes fluttered open and then closed again.

"Magnus, can't we wait a little while longer? I still tired from last night." Alec whined, while covering his head with his pillow trying to block out the light coming in through the window.

"No Alec! Please? Let's go open them now!" Magnus grabbed Alec's pillow and threw it across the room.

Oh my god, could he be acting anymore like a child? Alec asked himself.

Magnus went close to Alec's ear and started to whisper, "I got you something special and I might explode if you don't go open it right this instant. Trust me. It's good." The last few words came out as a sexy purr.

This sparked Alec's attention and he found his mind wondering. Magnus surprised him all the time with crazy things and if he said this present is special, Alec couldn't begin to imagine what it could be.

"Okay, okay I'm getting up." Alec sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. "Oh by the way Magnus," Alec kissed Magnus hard on the lips, "Last night was absolutely amazing." Magnus smirked as he thought about what they had done.

"I bet you never thought you could have that much fun with frosting, did you?" Magnus said, licking his lips, the sweet taste of buttercream that still lingered there.

Magnus kissed Alec this time, catching Alec off guard.

"Now, lets go get those presents, yeah?" Magnus's forehead was leaning on Alec's, his breath stirring the younger boys hair. His hand was on

"Y-yeah," Alec stuttered, his breath shaky and uneven. It never ceased to amaze him that Magnus could make him feel this way.

They walked out of their bedroom to the living room where the tree was. The tree was magnificent and decorated in hues of blue and purple with splashes glitter. It was a total Magnus tree.

Magnus have a sideways glance at Alec, who was beaming at the tree. He had never truly seen a Christmas tree, decorated like this anyways. Magnus loved to see him so happy. He walked behind Alec and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"You are so beautiful, Alexander," he whispered in his boyfriend's ear.

Alec turned around and kissed Magnus. Magnus moaned against his mouth and grabbed Alec's butt, Alec jumping from surprise.

"You're not to bad yourself, Magnus," Alec broke apart from Magnus and walked towards the tree.

He grabbed the first present that he saw, knowing it was for Magnus.

"Here babe. It's for you." He said handing over the golden wrapped present.

"Babe? That's new. I like it!" Magnus purred.

"Yeah, don't get used to it," Alec smirked. "Just open your present."

"A-Alec... I love it!" Magnus exclaimed with tears surrounding his eyes.

What he was holding was a picture of them right after Alec had come out to the rest of the shadowhunters. They both looked so happy and carefree, smiling wide and holding each other at the waist.

"Okay-okay," Magnus said wiping his eyes, "Time for you to open a present!" Magnus said handing Alec a present with blue wrapping paper.

Alec took his time ripping open the present, almost like he planned on saving the paper.

"Oh my god, Alec, rip the fucking paper," he had a smile on his face. Alec looked up and stuck out his tongue.

"HOLY SHIT MAGNUS! WHAT THE HELL!?!" Alec exclaimed, his eyes wide as he looked down a the box. He reached down and pulled out a lacy, black nightgown and pantyhose the same colour as his eyes.

"You did not get me lingerie," he said barely audible.

"Alexander, it's a joke! I just wanted to see the look on your face!" Magnus was now, literally, rolling on the floor laughing.

"Magnus it's not funny!" Alec turned his body away from Magnus, who had moved right behind him and circled his arms around Alec's waist.

"I'm sorry, baby. It was a joke," His voice was muffled by Alec's shoulder, which he was kissing and biting. Alec moaned and leaned into Magnus's touch.

"Fine you asshole. I forgive you," Alec turned around and kissed Magnus, his tongue sliding easily into the warlocks mouth.

They opened the rest of the presents that morning and the flat was a disaster. After they'd cleaned it up they snuggled up on the couch, Magnus's long, slender arms around Alec's toned body.

It seemed that Magnus had fallen asleep, but Alec had something pressing on his mind that stopped him. That damned lingerie.


Magnus woke up later to find a blanket wrapped around him and the warmth of another body missing.

He looked around the flat, but to no avail. "Alexander, darling, where are you?"

"Oh, you're finally awake." The voice of his boyfriend came from behind.

He turned around to get a better look and his eyes widened in shock and- was that lust?

Alec was standing in the doorway from their bedroom wearing the nightgown and pantyhose. Everything was visible, but Magnus wasn't complaining.

"A-Alec. What the actual fuck?" Magnus stuttered walking over to his gorgeous boyfriend. Damn he could pull off anything.

Alec was staring at the floor like it was the most interesting thing ever. "I thought it would be nice to surprise you, but maybe I was wrong," he whispered barely audible. "I'll go take it off...." he began to walk back into their bedroom.

"Woah there, darling! Did I say I didn't like it?" Magnus said, grabbing Alec's arm.

"Well no, but-" Magnus pulled Alec into a kiss, while pulling him further into their bedroom. Magnus pushed Alec onto their bed and stared.

"You're so fucking gorgeous, it doesn't matter what you wear." Magnus was panting and kissing Alec's neck. Normally he would've ripped Alec's clothes off by then, but he was savoring every glimpse of that lingerie.

Magnus rubbed Alec making him moan in pleasure, "Magnus just take the damn tights off and stop teasing me." Magnus smirked at the challenge. He ran his lips and tongue up and down Alec's thighs, only to be answered with more groans of pleasure and annoyance.

Magnus came back up to Alec's lips and slipped his tongue inside the others mouth, exploring every corner. He bit Alec's lip and drew blood, but he didn't think Alec would mind. He broke the kiss and moved to his torso, planting kisses as low as the waistband of the pantyhose.

Magnus could feel Alec getting harder by the minute. Magnus decided to finally stop teasing him. He ripped a hole in the tights not bothering to pull them down. The next thing Alec felt was warmth and an up and down motion. Alec let himself succumb to the pleasure of Magnus's touch.


By the time they were done the lingerie lay in tatters on the floor and they both laid in bed arms around each other's nude bodies.

"See it wasn't the worst present ever," Magnus said, playing with a strand of Alec's raven hair.

"Oh just shut up and kiss me you, idiot," Alec smiled and pulled Magnus in for one more kiss before they both drifted into unconsciousness.


Okayyyyy sooooo I'm not sure how that went. Cas usually writes all the smut and that was my first time attempting. How did I do? I didn't make it too graphic, I don't think.

Okay so please leave comments and votes!!!

How Very

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