Discoveries And Secret

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After everything between Elijah,we haven't talk for a while. It seems like he is avoiding me. Again,It's free time at the university. Me and my friends were into our usual place, talking about all the recent event that had occurred in our lives.

Elena : Also peter is taking me out tonight for a date...

: So how are you girls working with your powers.

Red: it's going great what about you?

: it's so difficult red.

Elena: don't worry we understand Allison. It was like that for us too. It's time by time...

: Alright girls but do you notice that Johnson hasn't been attending from last week...?

Red: yep something is wrong...

: Yeah... I would go and check on him as soon we are done with leisure.

Red: I would have love to join you but I have work to do with my cousins.

Elena: me too I remember that I suppose to go to my grandma's about my powers. She actually told me to come today and I can't refuse her. After that I would start getting ready for my date with peter.

: No , it's fine I can give you girls the details tomorrow during free time. Like now!

Red: Alright.

After end of leisure. I went to Johnson's house immediately,living my friends and informing the Anthonys that I might come late. Now I am standing at Johnson's house. I knock and Johnson opened. I was surprised to see him strong and fresh,not weak at all. When I taught he must be sick.

: Hey Johnson!

Johnson: Oh hi,you may come in.

I went inside the house and everywhere was tidy.

Johnson: thank God you are here I know you must be surprised but that what I want to tell you.

: okay you better start talking Johnson. I need an explanation .Why aren't you coming to school?

Johnston: I can't come out.

: Why...??

Johnson: Because it's surrounded with spells to keep me safe.

: Ahm...m what are you talking about...?

Johnson: Allison I know you are a witch.

: WHAT??

Johnson: yes .

: okay is this one kind of a crazy freaky dream...??

Johnson: No it's not Allison.

:Why didn't you tell me...?

Johnson: Your mum said it was not the time

: What relationship do you guys have?

Johnson : my mum and your mum were friends. I am sorry I didn't tell you.

: So are you a witch too?

Johnson: yes a wizard.

: oh my God. This is unbelievable are you the one my mum was talking about in my 20 hours dream that you would help me...?

Johnson: yes I think so.

: So why did you lock yourself in here ?

Johnson: because I have not fulfill my mission and that's why my house was surrounded with some demons recently.

The Anthonys And  The Bible Witches Where stories live. Discover now