So press me down, 'til I scream

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Tried some switching POVs. Drunk!Luke, 2014!Luke

Title from "Body Heat" by Selena Gomez



(Luke's POV)

"Let's party!"

No one likes to be woken up by a racket of loud boys scrambling around the room, with piles of clothes being flung across - a flash of leather here, a few strategically revealing rips there. A groan sounded over the din, and judging from the happiness the rest were exuding, the groan came from me. Oh well, at least I had the boys' attention now.

"Come on Luke, get out of bed you asshole!" Someone climbed onto my back, proceeding to assault it with one, maybe two, very heavy pillows.

"Ow! That hurts Micheal!" I whined, biting my pillow because Michael was too heavy.

The pillow stopped, and suddenly he was gazing at me, mouth parted. "Say that again."

I was beyond perplexed, and quite uncomfortable, trying to flip over with him still on top of me. "What?!" My exasperation must be evident because he slid off willingly : the first of very un-Michael things to do, the second being how he had suddenly grown silent. Strange.

"Come on Lukey-pie, we're going to partayyyyy!" Calum screamed, swinging his hips to Nickelback.

"Don't call me that! And turn down the music for lord's sake!" I escaped to the silence of the living room, almost not wanting to leave; but they're my mates, meaning I am obliged to be wherever they are.

-x-x-Two hours later-x-x-

(Calum's POV)

I scoured the room for the umpteenth time. In my stupid party frenzy, I had lost sight of Luke and was now losing my cool looking for him.

"I can't find Luke!" I bellowed at Michael, his eyes registering my worked up state but not offering reassurance, because it would be false and because he was in no state to pacify.

"He went to get a drink?" It sounded more like a question, and that did not help. Where was he? More importantly, what had happened to him? Was he passed out somewhere? Taken? Killed?

You see what I was saying about panicking? This is me in full-blown panic, and it's contagious, just like our fondness for Luke is. Soon, we had three very concerned boys running around for that dick.

I phoned the driver, even though Luke would never go home without telling us.

"He didn't go home." I informed Ashton, who didn't seem to be listening, which is rude, because hello one of your best friends is missing and the other one is trying to find him and you ain't helping.

But before I could give him a piece of my mind... "Fucking hell, that better not be"

There was the blonde quiff, staggering along to the club across, the one we unanimously declined because it was too expensive (we may be teenage boys but we still value money).

Luke Hemmings was drunk. Apparently enough to let a stranger drag him away from his mates to a club filled with the likes of the cheap leather-clad arm around his waist.

"Luke!" I dashed over to him, his head lifting to reveal a derpy smile. You know Luke is way tipsy when he does derpy smile.

(Ashton's POV)

"I knew I shouldn't have let him out of my sight!" I said as Calum fell onto Luke, leaving Mr. Leather to me.

"Ashton! You know Luke hates when you baby him!"

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