Breathing down your neck, your body screaming

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Title from "Heaven in Hiding" by Halsey 

!TRIGGER WARNING! - descriptions of rape/non-con - please beware!!!

Something horrible happened to my best friend a while back, and my heart broke listening to his experience once he finally put herself back together enough to tell me the story. I was mortified at how sadistic people can be. He said people don't often understand what rape does to your mind, and the kind of support the victim needs to come out of it. Especially when it comes to boys. I thought I should write something about that, so this is for my love, Akshat. 

Again, I am in no way trying to normalize rape or casually write about it, I totally empathize with all victims and am really very sorry they had to endure such a crime. I cried while writing this, Akshat cried when he read it. I'm sorry. Just please always remember, whatever happens, there's always someone there for you to seek help. You're never alone. 


Luke knew he shouldn't have stayed late at the party without his mates there to get his drunken ass home. But we make stupid decisions all the time.

He exited with the last of the crowd at 2 am, wondering how to get home. Suddenly, his figure stumbled upon a dark shadow.


"No, it's okay" The hoodie hid their face, but Luke sensed a stare.

"Um, could you please move out of the way?"

"I don't really want to" The stranger advanced, placing his hands on Luke's hips, backing them up against the wall. But Luke wasn't that easy, even in his drunken state, a forbidding feeling screamed 'RUN!'

So he did.

He ducked and sprinted for a good fifty meters, until his legs gave way, pants soaked in muddy slosh.

"Uh-oh, don't want to go home like that now do we? Let me help you. I'll clean you up real nice."

Luke gasped. It was his ex-boyfriend - Rex - one he never had the best closure with. He wanted revenge. Luke's stomach clenched, Rex couldn't have come at a worse time.

"No no no" The younger boy panicked, scrambling to get up but slipping right back down, forming a potentially painful bruise.

"Oh come on, you'll only hurt yourself more Lukey-pie" Rex smirked, revelling in the boy's helpless protests as he trapped Luke's thrashing limbs.

"No stop! Let me go! I'll scream! Please Rex! Come on what are you..." Rex shoved a handkerchief in Luke's face.

Luke sunk into darkness with the baleful feeling throbbing in the pit of his stomach.

He woke up to the stench of sweat and alcohol, a stench that had always been on his gross list, but what he saw when his eyes laboured open was much grosser. Stark naked, Rex and four guys Luke had seen him hang around with were playing cards on the soaked bedsheets. Luke didn't want to know what they were soaked in.

Where were his clothes?

Bile rose in his throat at how sticky his thighs felt; not because of Calum, or Ashton, or Michael, but because of a person he wanted never to see again and four complete strangers. The pain began to register and his tears welled into a sob, drawing the others' attention.

"Look who's up. You had a good sleep, baby?" Rex smashed his lips onto the younger boy's, hands roaming in abandon.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Luke struggled to turn his face away, despite being tied up and drugged.

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