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november 8th, 1976

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november 8th, 1976

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'not just a bird, but a raven my dear. a raven and-" she took cath's cup from her hand before rotating it, "-and a wolf dear. now what does that mean?"

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the idea of what her tea leaves could've been telling her had been bouncing around in cath's head for a while.

no matter how much time she had spent pouring over her memories trying to find something that had to do with a wolf she still couldn't pin down what exactly the whole thing meant. she had originally assumed that if she was the raven that the wolf had to represent another person, but she couldn't figure out who that might be.

so instead of racking her brain anymore for who could possibly be represented by a wolf, she decided to try and see if real wolves and ravens had some sort of connection. after all, there was nothing stopping the raven from just being a raven, nothing more nothing less.

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'native americans believed that the raven brought light to the earth and was a symbol of balance. the wolf is also popular symbol in native american culture, as like the tricky raven. both animals are appreciated for their intelligence and possession of ancient knowledge. the wolf and the raven are always engaged in a mental battle to test who is the smarter animal. the raven is a keeper of secrets, whereas the wolf is the custodian of ancient wisdom which symbolize intelligence, protection and wisdom.'

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'finally. something that makes sense'

cath had found herself much more comfortable with the textbook answers she had found but she still was just as lost as before.

'maybe the wolf doesn't only represent a person but instead the idea of a person?'

'intelligence, protection, and wisdom.'

she read over the last lines of text a few times over making a mental list of all of her candidates. her father was the first to come to mind, he was an exceptionally intelligent man but she didn't think she would go as far to call him wise, and she had never seen anything wolf-esque associated with her father.

next on her, quite short, list was remus, they had just started talking when she did her reading so he would've been fresh in her psyche, which, if delia had been any sort of a reliable source, was important for a reading.
the boy was definitely intelligent but as for the other two traits she couldn't be so sure, not to mention she had no idea if he had anything to do with wolves.



for the time being she had decided to cross remus and her father off of her list, which left a total of zero people left to look into.

suddenly, cath found herself back at square one of what seemed to be an almost pointless puzzle that would surely take forever to be solved.



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