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december 2nd, 1976

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december 2nd, 1976

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to my dear sister catherine,

first of all, i apologize for my late response but i've found myself to be very busy as of late. at any other point in my life i would've had a vastly different response to your letter, however, things have changed for me very quickly, catherine.

i met a girl, a no-maj girl, a girl mother would never accept. her name is lizzie, not elizabeth but lizzie. isn't that so quaint? during the day the sun seems to dance on her raven hair and by the light of the moon her skin seems to glow as if her very flesh and bones are radiating some sort of angelic light. she is the most beautiful girl i've ever seen and up until right now i would've never given her the time of day.

i know you'll do better than me little sister, you won't have to be tempted by sins of the flesh to fight prejudice, you're strong enough to do better than me.

i'm sure this letter wasn't at all what you were expecting to hear, and for that i apologize once again. it'll be some time before i see you again, before we can speak on the matter any further and i'm sure mother will try to convince you that you've never had a brother at all.

so until we meet again i love you with this:

it's your life catherine, live it how you see fit. after all, how do we forgive ourselves for the things we never do?'

your brother,

rowen webster
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cath had all but forgotten about the letter she had written to her brother and it seems he had too. while reading his response she remembered the urgency she had written him with and was growing quite upset that he was just now getting back to her.

that being said though, she was thoroughly shocked at his response, to say the least. it must be a cold day in hell for her brother, her perfect brother, to fall for a no-maj girl, to destroy the perfect path their parents had built for him. no longer would he fall into the roll of holding the webster name up in society, instead he was  eloping with the lowest of the low as her mother would put it.

now catherine herself certainly didn't have any reservations about no-maj relations, she didn't quite get why you'd want to be with someone who didn't understand magic but she didn't have a problem with it either.

her parents were another story.

she knew her brother was right in saying that it would be a while before they saw each other, because it most certainly would be. no longer would they be able to comfort each other at family gatherings, no longer would she be able to seek solace in her brothers arms when her mother got to be just too much. she knew her mother would wipe him out if existence, burn his portraits, destroy his things, he would now only be a webster by way of legal name.

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