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 january 8th, 1977

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january 8th, 1977

*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*

just as catherine was settling back into a routine of tip toeing around her mother and staying out late at night with delia and her other friends to taunt the locals (with what little magic they could muster under the trace) she was whisked away back to london.

she had of course spent the majority of her break back home in salem but the night before she was supposed to leave yet again for hogwarts was spent at her father's. as his letter had said he did in fact have 'the perfect gift' waiting for her, though she wasn't sure if unceremoniously handing your daughter your wife's old engagement ring right before she was to leave for boarding school was 'perfect', awkward would be her word of choice.

needless to say she was almost eager to go back to school.

*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*

returning to hogwarts from the states was just as odd as it had been when she first arrived. soon, she'd have to get used to being corrected when saying no-maj instead of muggle, she'd once again be a foreigner, and on top of that no longer was she used to the accents that would surround her until summer rolled around, everything was foreign to her again.

well, almost everything.

already seated in a compartment with anita and everett catherine heard the familiar ruckus of the two boys she met the first time she had boarded the hogwarts expresss.


she heard james and sirius call out to her, though peter and remus being no where to be seen.

"write remus at all over break?" james said hopefully, she was almost completely sure that he wanted the pair together more than they did.
"no, why would i?"
cath's response warranted a chorus of 'ooh''s and 'ah''s from anita and everett that she quickly hushed
"i just thought you might've."
james shrugged at the girl before he and sirius walked off, presumably to find and annoy lily evans. as they did cath heard disjointed sentences that sounded a lot like
'god moony-'

'he really-'


'he better-'

"remus and catherine sittin in a-" everett began to sing after the two gryfindor's left, taunting her before he was cut off by his sister.

"what are you? 8?"
"-tree, k-i-s-"
"we aren't sitting in anything ev, and if we were ever going to he would've said something to me before we left, you know, i really thought he would."

anita patted her on the back, "first of all: stop listening to my brother and second of all: buck up webster! i'd bet you 5 gallons he's still head over heels for you!"

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