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The Henry Clay Frick House was opulent from the outset. The entrance hall was lined in marble including its ceiling, which was exquisitely carved by the Piccirilli Brothers. A marble staircase with an intricately wrought metal balustrade led to the second floor of the mansion, the one-time private quarters of the Frick family - not open to the public.

At the foot of the stairs, a stern-looking woman in a blue, wool-weight rayon suit, waited to greet the two visitors who had called ahead to announce their arrival. She cocked an eyebrow as they approached. 

"Why do I get the impression she's not exactly welcoming?" Jim whispered.

Zee smirked but kept her eyes straight ahead. "She intimidates you?"

Jim cleared his throat. "No. Well, yes, maybe just a smidgen."

"I'm sure it's just her manner. Now, let me do the talking."

"As always," Jim commented with a grunt. Zee grinned again.

They continued quietly across the foyer before they halted in front of the woman.

"The Museum Administrator, Mrs Wainright, I assume?" Zee asked.

Ruth Wainright looked closely at both of the visitors. "Yes, and you must be Miss Zanzibar..." She replied formally before turning to the Irishman, "...and Mr O'Donnell." 

Jim smiled and offered a brief nod. "Ma'am."

Mrs Wainright focused on Zee once more. "I believe you wish to discuss a former employee - Miss Natsumi?"

"Yes," Zee replied.

"I have already told the police about her; there is nothing new to report."

"I appreciate that Mrs Wainright, but we are simply tying up some loose ends and wondered if you would indulge us once more."

Mrs Wainright's eyes narrowed a fraction. "You are with the police?" she asked, her voice loaded with scepticism. 

"I have been assisting NYPD with their investigation into the stolen kimono, yes. You may call Captain Johnson to confirm before we proceed."

The Administrator considered for a moment, then she conceded,  "I doubt there is anything more to reveal. However, I will give you five minutes for I have other important matters which require my attention. The museum does not run itself, you know? Follow me." She turned and moved up the stairs.

Jim raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Chancin' yer arm, were ye not, mentionin' the captain?"

"Not at all, I knew she would not pursue it," Zee replied quietly.


"Call it..."

Jim sighed. "Magician's intuition?"

"Something like that," Zee replied with a smile.

They followed Mrs Wainright to her office, situated on the third floor. Once inside, the Administrator closed the door and gestured for the two investigators to be seated. 

"So, what else do you need to know?" she asked, cutting straight to the point.

"Did Miss Natsumi give any indication that she intended to leave her post so soon?"

"No, she did not. Although, I suspected she would not remain with us for long."

"And why was that?"

"Her record of employment for a start - she never seemed to stay put for long in any of her posts. She had good references, although how considering her brief stays in each job bewilders me."

Zanzibar the Magician - UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now