Chapter three

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"Please Lou, say it's only you, she wont come in then." I whisper as silence as I can so only Louis can hear me. He hesitated for a while before answearing "It's just me" he said. "Are you okey? And where is Harry?" She asked from outside the door. "Yes, I'm fine, sorry for just running away like that, I just needed some fresh air" he said. "And Harry went out for a short walk, so just go to sleep and he will come home soon. To fuck you." He whispered the last sentence so that only I could hear it. I hope..

She goes back upstairs and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. "You are so fucked up Louis, you know that right?" I said. He laughed and cupped my face in his hands. "I'm feeling more sober now." He said with a smirk on his face. "Oh, shut up" I said before pushing his hands away. "And why the hell did you leave? You have know idea of how worried we all were! You could at least texted me to let us know that you were alive!" I said angrily. "Aww my little Hazzabear is pissed" he teased. "Yes, I AM pissed Louis. Go to sleep and get sober, and we'll talk about this later, yeah?"

We got out of the shower and I followed him up to his room. Nadine were sleeping when I got in to our room, so I gave her a kiss on the cheeck before falling asleep.

The next morning we all ate breakfast together in silence. It was all akward after last nights happening. "Guys, I'm so sorry for running away like that. I was really drunk and I know that is not an excuse but I just had to get away and a friend of mine took me to a bar and I know I should have called you guys, but I just got so drunk and couldn't really think clearly. I'm so so sorry." Louis said after a while. We all forgave him and went back to have normal conversations.

At 5pm we went to rehersals for our OTRA tour. And it all went fine. Me and Louis were sharing some akward looks now and then, but I tried to not think so much about it. I tried to smile at him sometimes just to let him know that everything was fine between us.

We went home to our home after the rehersals. I was going to spend some time alone with Nadine before heading over to London for some booksignings and interviews.


"I'm gonna miss you so much" Nadine says while hugging me at the airport. Me and the boys are about to check in before leaving to London. "I'm gonna miss you to babe" I says and give her a kiss on the cheeck. "Have a safe flight honey" she says before kissing me goodbye.

"Wake up" Liam says while shaking my shoulders. "We're here." I open my eyes and see that the plane has landed. We walk out of the plane and in to the airport were we are meet by hundreds of fans. We took some pictures with them before our securityguards helped us get our baggage and leave the airport.

It's so good to finally be home again. I've missed spending some alone time for myself in my house, just do whatever I want. We are just going to stay here for a few days before leaving to Spain to have a show, so I better use this time reasonable.

I went to the kitchen and made myself something to eat before heading over to the sofa to watch some tv. I love to just sit by myself and relax. It feels wonderful. I went on my phone to check instagram and twitter. I just love how the fans makes me feel so special, I just want to answear all of them, but that would take forever and I don't see how I could do that. I replied to some of them before heading over to my bed. It was getting late and I got kind of tired.


Me and Zayn were sitting home at my place playing some fifa games. I love it how I wins everytime. My brain though could only focus on Harry and all the stupid mistakes I had made. And why did I have to leave that night? I was so screwed up. Why do I always have to mess up everything?

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