24. "never felt this way"

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Natsu Dragneel

This entire night, I've been watching Cana and Lucy talk. My enhanced dragon hearing can do so much, but in a loud crowd like this, I could barely make out what they were saying.

Cana ordered another barrel of beer, literally shoving it down Lucy's throat. I've had enough of this. Lucy can't handle her liquor, any more of that I'm gonna be dealing with a depressed flirt.

"Cana stop," i slurred, eyes heavy and vision blurry. I was also a bit tipsy. Couldn't help myself from getting a drink or five.

"Uh oh," she giggled, throwing the empty bottle into the trash. "Lucy's big bad boyfriend is here!!!" Cana yelled, loud enough for everyone in the guild to hear.

Soon enough, the entire guild started to make kissing noises and 'awwws'. Thankfully to the booze, I was already burning red, so they couldn't see me blush.

"Aw shut up!" I formed a fist and grabbed onto a wooden chair and started waving it in the air. "Fight me you drunk geezers!"

I heard Lucy hiccup, getting up from her chair and staggered close to me. "N-Natsu?" She giggles, grabbing onto my cheeks and squeezing them as tight as she could.

She stretched my poor cheeks, throwing my head around and literally dragging my face wherever she desired. "You're so," she hiccuped again. "LOUD!"

She raised her fists over her head, a stance I've grown afraid of. This was one of her amazing 'Lucy Punches'. Just as she was about to show me her amazing blows, her entire body started to lean towards me.

Her body slowly fell right into my arms, passing out by the large quantity of beer she had consumed. I sighed, now I gotta drag her home.

I grabbed her small waist and lifted her off the ground and held her body close to mines. I wrapped her legs around my hips and her tiny arms around my neck while her head rested on my shoulder. My hands under her ass, supporting her so she wouldn't fall.

"Aww looky here!!" Cana waves her glass bottle in the air grabbing the guilds attention once again. "Big bad boyfriend carrying his darling drunk girlfriend! What a sight!"

"You're such a MAN Natsu!" I'm dating your sister you bafoon.

As I slowly walked towards the guild doors, everyone was shouting their goodbye to Lucy, while also whistling and cheering on for 'NALU' or whatever the hell that means.

I turned back around, looking for my blue feline partner, who was happily eating fish at the bar with Kinana.

"Aye Happy?" I called out grabbing his attention. "You comin buddy?" He shook his head while three more uncooked fishes were added to his gigantic pile.

I rolled my eyes and started heading back to the inn.

Walking home with Lucy in my arms was quite peaceful. The darkness of the night and Lucy's small snores. It had felt like my life was complete. The fire in my heart has gone steady and calm.

Although Lucy was reeking with booze, I could still smell her vanilla and strawberry shampoo. I took a deep inhale of her scent and smiled lightly. I missed this smell.

I felt her arms tightened around my neck as she moaned softly, her lips placed gently onto my neck and her small breaths sending shivers through my spine.

For some reason, my stomach was rumbling and my cheeks were getting hot. Whats going on?

Do I have to vomit? I know I'm drunk but I can usually handle my liquor.

So why does it feel like my stomach is tightening every time I'm near Lucy.

Her body so close to me, it was intoxicating. I couldn't breathe. But it didn't feel bad at all. Rather the opposite. I yearned for this feeling, it was something new. I couldn't describe it.

But all I knew was... I never felt this way towards Lisanna.

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