Day 5

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Today was a lost day. I have been so sick that I have hardly been able to write at all but I thought that if I missed just one day it would make a ripple effect and I would miss many days. But why is it that I have this urge to write everything down? There's no point to it! I'm bored with writing, I'm tired of it, it feels like a burden. Especially since I've felt that I don't have the energy to do anything besides lay there. I am tired all the time I feel incredibly sick and there are big red spots all over me. It's not the average flu. It's getting worse. My joints are stiff ( I hope I don't get lockjaw). THEY are still serving me food but I have only eaten one meal per day since day 2. I could say this will be life-threatening by day 7 probably. Day 7? a little weird to me to imagine future days in here. Too much brain pain to use punc. Cant think, surprised I can write.

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