Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV:

"I heard everything! Lauren. Is it true? Was it all just a game to you? Everything that we built together, was it all fake? Was it a lie?" Tear were falling down her face. "Camz! I can explain. I-" She interrupted me. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in, but shame on me now." Before I could say anything she quickly ran as fast as she could, I chased her but she was too fast. It's weird cause I'm the athletic one but she runs way faster than me. I then went back inside my house, I went straight to my bathroom, locked the door and cried on the floor.

Camila's POV:

I ran as fast I could. How could she? How could she do that to me? Like I said before, this town gets crazier each day. I don't know where to go, if I went home my mom would start asking me questions and that's not what I need right now. I went straight to to Drew's house, he's the only one I can trust now. When I reached Drew's house I saw Drew sitting at the front porch playing his guitar, when he saw me he quickly drop his guitar and ran to hug me. He didn't ask what had happened cause he knows I need to calm down first. He invited me inside his house and we sat down at the kitchen, luckily his parents wasn't at home. He grabbed a glass of water and told me to drink it. He then grabbed a box of tissues and wiped away my tears. After a few minutes I began to calm down but my heart was still hurting. Drew then asked me if I wanted to talk about it, I paused for a few second then said 'yes'. I told him about me and Lauren, that we are dating but I was shocked when he said he already know about it, I didn't ask how he knew I just continue to talk. So I told him everything that just happened and the only thing he said was "Stupid Lauren!" I could tell he was angry, he looked shocked. I begin to cry even more, he hugged me tightly and said "It's okay Camila. I'm always here for you, no matter what! Whenever you need me, just call me, whether it's 5am or 11pm, I'll always be there for you." "Why do you have to be gay? Can't you just be my boyfriend?" I asked jokingly. "Is that a smile I see? I know how to make that smile bigger." He then took 2 pieces of pizza from the oven and gave it to me. I then became happy, I had forgotten all about Lauren at the moment. "You truly are the coolest friend ever! Thank you for everything." I hugged, kissed his cheek and started eating.

Lauren's POV:

I washed my face, lay on my bed, overwhelmed with anger. What just happened? I thought after the conversation with Dinah and Normani, everything would be fine. I could be with Camila and this time it isn't pretend, it's real. Why? Why? I'm soo sorry Camila! Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was a text message from Camila, I read and it says "Turn on channel 89.9 on the radio." I turned on the radio. Then the guy on the radio said "Okay, the next song is for Lauren J. Lauren, if you are listening this song is for you from Camila. Enjoy!" Then suddenly Impossible started to play. I listen carefully to every single word of the song. I began to sob even harder, burying my face in the pillow. Then when the song ended I got a text from Camila again. It says

"If you ask for a diamond, I don't think I could afford it.

I can only afford giving you my love, just so you could be happy.

I'm in love with you.

And I've given my whole heart to you.

But why did you to this to me?

You played with our love.

I don't know what I did wrong.

I don't know what I did that made you want to hurt me.

Now it's too late to change things.

Cause I'm in love with you.

And always will be.

Nobody ever graced my day,

At the moment I woke up from my sleep

Even if it takes a 100 years


I'll what? You'll what? Why didn't she finish it? I text her back saying

"Camz! Please can we talk. I'll explain everything. I know what I did was wrong. But I'm in love with you. I'll never leave you. Please call me. Don't tell me this is the end. I want you and only you. I love you soo much. I'm soo sorry!"

I waited for a few minutes, hoping that she would reply and she did. She only wrote "I'm coming!" Wait, what? Is she coming here? So I went straight downstairs and wait at the front porch. I waited and waited almost for 2 hours and she still didn't show up. I decided to go to her house and when I reached her house I knock on the door but there was no answer. So I just went home.

Camila's POV:

"Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride? It's raining heavily." Drew asked. "Yeah! I'm sure!" I replied. As I was walking to Lauren's house I realised that I forgot my phone at Drew's house. So, I went back to take it. When I reached this front porch I suddenly collapsed.

Lauren's POV:

I woke up and got dressed for school. On my way to school I didn't see Camila, as I passed her house it seemed really quiet like no one was inside. I usually see her every morning. That's weird. When I reached school I went straight to the music room but no one was there, I searched almost every classroom but couldn't find her or Drew. Time past and school finally ended. I wanted to go to Camila's house to explain things. I reached her house and knock but there was no answer. I called her phone almost 20 times she still didn't pick up. Where could she be? It was finally Saturday, I went to Camila's house again but there was still no one. I did the same thing the next day but there's still no answer. It was finally Monday, I went to English class but didn't see Camila, everyone was sitting with their partner waiting for their results, I was sitting alone since Camila didn't show up. Then I saw Drew, as I was looking at him he looked away. I could tell he was pissed at me. I got my results and it was A, but I was still not happy cause Camila is not here. Maybe she's still angry at me, I don't blame her though, it was all my fault! The class finally ended, I followed Drew and stop him in the middle of the hallway. "What do you want?" He asked. "Where's Camila? I went to her house so many timed but no one was there. Where is she?" I asked then he said. "Why do you care? She was just a game to you. Just leave her alone. You've done enough by hurting her. I hope you are happy now." Then I said "Drew! I know what I did was wrong. Yes, I admit it was all just a game at first, but I never thought I would feel this way towards her, I love her! I stop playing the stupid game when I realised that I really love her. You have to believe me! What she heard was wrong. I would do anything to prove it to you. Please! Please help me! Tell me where she is!" I began to cry. He paused for a second and finally said "She'at the hospital." I was shocked. "What? Why?" I asked, he then replied "You don't know? She didn't tell you?" I answered with a simple 'no'. "She's an epileptic, she's suffering from Epilepsy. That's why she keeps on having seizure." I asked "But why is she at the hospital?" "Cause she's in a coma." He answered. "For how long?" "Don't know." I was soo worried and began to sob again. He then hugged me tightly, I asked "Is she going to be alright? She's going to wake up, right? She's not going to die, is she?" He then whispered "I can't promise you anything." I felt my heart broke into 1000 pieces, it was all my fault!

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