Chapter 31

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After my moment with my mom, I hurriedly called Lucy, jumping up and down on the bed while I waited for her to pick up. Once she did, I let myself drop on the mattress and I bumped my head on the headboard. I heard a witchy laugh on the other line, Lucy obviously finding my pain amusing. Lena ended up talking to me on the phone while her big sister was still laughing her cute ass off. I also invited Lena if she wanted to come and she was happy to go as well.

Waking up at 4 am was a bit too much for me, but I had to find something nice to wear. After all, today was also Valentine's Day. I'm sure Lucy will be dressing up nice and I don't want to look like a deformed potato beside her.

I created a pile of clothes on the floor as I threw each piece of clothing that I have, settling on the white sweater and brown jumper shorts I found under the closet. I also found some dresses that I barely wear and thought of wearing one, but the sweater seemed like a better idea than the dress.

I picked them up at their house and saw them waiting for me patiently on the front porch. The 2 girls were wearing black dresses with matching sunglasses. Lucy's hair was curled while Lena's blonde hair was tied into a ponytail.

"Where's the funeral at, girls?" I snorted at my joke, opening the door for Lucy while Lena opened the back door.

"Yours, if you don't give me a kiss," She leaned closer to me, closing the gap between us.

"Why did I even come along?" Lena muttered with a grimace plastered on her face.

"Lu-" I tried pulling myself away from Lucy but she has her hands on my cheeks.

"I don't know. Why did you?" Her sister said between our kiss.

"You guys are gross!"

I pulled away from Lucy, sending Lena a sheepish look, "Sorry, Pet. Won't happen again,"

Lucy turned to me with a scowl, narrowing her eyes. "Follow her and you won't get kisses from me today,"

"You and I both know that you can't resist me, Luce," I smirked.

"Ugh! Just drive."

And just like that, I drove right away.

We arrived at the grocery shortly. The two sisters bickered on where we should buy our groceries, and neither of them stopped. Lucy wanted to go to a local supermarket while Lena wanted to go to Walmart. We all knew at this point who's the more annoying one.

We parted ways as we got inside the store, Lena taking her own cart while Lucy and I shared a cart with her pushing it as I'll be the one in charge of the checklist. Taking my glasses from my head, I put it on and started looking for the first thing on the list.

"What are we having for tonight?" She questioned, resting her elbows on the handle as she pushed the cart.

"Everything you told my mom. Plus! Her signature banana bread. It's really good- the best even," I said while I scanned the list.

Last night, my mom went to my room, asked for Lucy's number, and went straight out like nothing happened. She called Lucy after, without telling me, asking her what food she wanted my mom to cook. Mom can be a little crazy when it comes to cooking for people. She loves to cook for everyone and let them taste her food. Let me tell ya, she's more excited about the dinner than I was! Even more than Lucy as well! She even woke me up around 4 am to help her clean the house. She's driving me crazy much more than Lucy did.

I turned around to see Lucy winking at me with a smirk. My heart leaped. Okay, I think I'm gonna take my words back.

She drives me crazy more than my mom did.

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