Chapter 34

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We'd get to see our beautiful cheerleaders perform one last time.

The last sport that will be playing was football. Reed and his team were in the locker room while the cheerleaders were sitting below the bleachers, getting ready for their cheer. People were still arriving, occupying the available seats as they left a trail of their popcorns on the floor. Lexi and I sat in the middle, which is the perfect place to sit, getting a better view of everything. When you sit below, you're too close to the field and you wouldn't be able to see other people that were blocked by those in front. When you sit on top, you're too far to figure out who's who. So sitting in the middle, it was just the perfect place to see everything that's going on.

The night sky was darker than it should be. It was a gloomy night and thunder could be heard every 10 minutes. It was definitely going to rain. I felt like something will go wrong, but my guts told me to stay positive and that everything will be fine. However, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I have no matter what I do.

While waiting for the event to start, Kayla and Lucy were with us. We were comforting them with words to make them feel better and less anxious about their last performance. We all had this kind of moment. When something bad happened and you have to do it again, there's this fear that grows in you, making you anxious and overthink that it would go badly like the last time did. I know how scary it was, to be scared of something you've done before and have to do it again. But what matters is, even if it did happen, it doesn't mean it will happen all the time. Like when you feel like no one cares or loves you, you'll be surprised that there's one person who does or maybe even more. Like when you feel your new partner will hurt you like the last one did but turns out they love you much more and can't even think about hurting you.

I think that's the good thing when you're overthinking. Eventually, there are some things that will prove you wrong and that things would be okay in the end.

"You're gonna be just fine, Luce. You won't make a mistake this time," I reassured her, caressing her hands with my thumbs.

"How can you be so sure?" She bowed her head, playing with our intertwined hands.

"I trust my guts," It wasn't enough for her so I decided to speak again, "You're an amazing cheerleader, Luce. Just because you made a mistake before, doesn't mean you always will. You guys are going to kill your performance later."

And that finally made her smile, I guess my answer this time satisfied her. "I'm so glad and thankful that you're here. I don't know what I'd do without you," She cupped my cheeks and looked at me lovingly.

"You'd cry," I grinned, laughing with her.

"I probably would,"

I poked her nose, "You got this."

We invited Lena to watch the game with us, but she and her friends had to study for their exams tomorrow. I messaged Blaire this morning, asking her if she's gonna watch the game as well. She replied back and said that she wasn't going so I forced her to watch with us.

Speaking of Blaire, she stood out among the crowd below, her eyes were scanning all over the place, definitely searching for us. When our eyes met, a look of relief washed over her face, pushing her way out of the crowd. Lucy got up from her seat to give it to Blaire.

I was greeted with a hug. "I thought I'd get lost out here," Blaire said,

I let out a chuckle, sitting back down and Lucy sitting on my lap, "Thanks for coming, Blaire."

"Are you sure Reed will be surprised?"

"You said you haven't been to any of his games, right? I'm sure, he'll be really happy you came as well."

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