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"I can't believe you're finally married!" Lexi said.

"Right? I can't believe it either. It's like a dream come true," I agreed, nodding my head.

"Don't wait too long before you have a baby!"

"Definitely can't wait," I grinned along with Lexi who's so much more emotional than the bride.

My cousin, Cassie, laughed at our conversation as we gushed about her being married. "You guys seem to be more excited than us. James and I can't wait to have a baby as well,"

"Or babies," Lexi snorted.

"Hey, we never know. I might have twins or triplets," said Cassie.

I glanced to my side to see Lucy with a scowl on her face. Yeah, talking about kids really isn't something she enjoyed. I nudged her side with my elbow and she looked at me with a smile. Cassie noticed her reaction and this caught her attention.

"Not a fan of children, Lucy?"

My girlfriend shook her head, "Yeah, I really don't like them,"

"Maybe you'll change your mind one day,"

I let out a snort before taking a sip of my magical drink. Cassie's best friend, Ripley, made this drink and it is delicious. It's lemonade that changes color because of the butterfly pea flower tea, "Oh I'd doubt she'll change her mind, but I do believe in miracles,"

Cassie chuckled and glanced to her right. I followed her eyes and saw our other cousin, Sage talking to her friend. But her friend was at her side and Sage's eyes were fixed in front of her, and there was nobody there. Weird. Our mothers were sisters and we have more other cousins since my mom has tons of siblings.

"She finally brought a friend or maybe it's her girlfriend," Cassie thought aloud.

"It's about time," I smiled to myself.

Cassie stood up and fixed her gown, "I'll leave you all now. I need to go find my husband," Her eyes then landed on Lucy and she gave her a smile.

My girlfriend shot her a warm smile, "Congratulations again,"

Cassie thanked her and took off. The four of us were now abandoned by the bride and then the lovebirds decided to get more food. Ripley walked past us and before she could go any further, I called out her name. She quickly turned around and greeted us with a smile.

Ripley has known my cousin since they were a baby. They're both older than us by more than 5 years. They're like our older sisters that we look up to.

"Hey, Rip. Please tell me you're gonna socialize today,"

Ripley chuckled, shaking her head, "Amber, you and I and everyone here knows how I hate socializing,"

"You're just gonna sit all alone with no one to talk to? Try looking around and you might find a pretty lady to talk to," I motioned my hand around the place, earning another chuckle from her.

"Let's see, Ambs. What about you? How's your relationship with Lucy?"

I stretched my hands out to take Lucy's hands, "Good- great even! She's amazing,"

Lucy blushed at what I said, "Amber is a pain in the ass, but I love her,"

"I'm glad that you're both happy," Ripley said, smiling.

"What about you? Any special lady?" I wiggled my eyebrows as I teased her, making her roll her eyes.

"Bye, Amber!" She then walked back to her table.

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