Part 13: Death is more relaxing then this

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"So I told the little blood traitor that if he ever so much as breathed in my direction, my father would..... Harry, are you listening?" Harry looked up at Draco, who apparently had been talking. "Sorry." He was trying to pay attention, really he was, but he hadn't felt this tired in a long time. Everything was just getting to him! He was having to keep up pretending to have weak magic, finish all his tedious schoolwork, try to get into the restricted section of the library and find a way to discover what the defenses are! It was exhausting, and he needed a break! Yet again, he zoned out as his friends teased Draco, eyes refusing to focus on anything. "Master?" He looked over to see Shesha on the sofa arm of the Ravenclaw common room they were in. She was upright, hissing to him gently. "Harry, I really think you should go to bed, you don't look so good." He looked over at Terry, and didn't have the strength to argue. "Sounds good." Harry stood, and immediately passed out, his vision tunneling to darkness.

"Oh merlin!" Lisa stood from the sofa immediately, crouching down by the unconscious Harry. "Is he dead! Oh merlin what if he's dead?" Terry wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her close to him. He loved how passionate she could be, but it was a little much sometimes. He'd never understand girls. Daphne and Pansy were fussing over Harry, who was by now half draped over their laps. "Relax Lisa, he isn't dead, just asleep." He looked up at Draco and Blaise, hoping they would help. Unfortunately, Draco looked just as distressed as the girls. Theo finally looked up from his book, rolling his eyes at the panicking group. "Blaise, go and fetch Professor Flitwick, he'll want to know about this. Draco, deep breaths, you need to fetch your uncle in case Harry needs any potions. Girls, just calm down, Harry will be fine. Crabbe, Goyle, you're going to come with me and bring Harry to the infirmary. Terry, would you mind staying here and looking after Lisa and Pansy." Before Terry could respond, he found two blondes and brunette had flung themselves at him. He rolled his eyes and sighed as the others left to follow their respective orders. Who knew quiet Theo could be so bossy?

Theo led the Crabbe and Goyle to the infirmary, exasperated. Whilst he certainly like the group, he did prefer his solitude and silence. Out of all of them, he was closest to Harry. He was intelligent, and quiet. Quite often the two could be found hiding in the library with their books, leaning against each other. At first both he and Harry had been very surprised by how close and affectionate the group had become, but they had quickly grown to like it. Even so, he didn't feel comfortable at all with playing team leader. That was Harry, and sometimes Draco. They finally reached the infirmary and the boys placed Harry on the nearest bed, before turning to Theo. He rolled his eyes and told them to guard the door, recieving a grunted reply. Honestly, those two needed explicit insructions for every thing! He turned to the unimpressed nurse. "What on earth is going on here young man?" Theo sighed and took a seat next to Harry's bed, holding the silent boy's hand. "He passed out." Pomfrey was clearly waiting for further explanation, but he simply stared at her. She threw her hands up and started scanning Harry, all whilst muttering about stubborn slytherins. The doors burst open, and in strode Professors Snape and Flitwick, closely followed by Draco and Blaise. "What is going on here? I was informed a student was dying," said Snape, unimpressed. Flitwick squeaked in alarm, and Theo burst out laughing as Draco flushed. Poppy frowned at the boys, before turning back to the teachers. "He isn't dying, he's just exhausted! Do you have any Dreamless Sleep?" Snape gave a curt nod and handed over a vial, which Pomfrey administered without hesistation. She then turned and ushered the boys out. Just as the doors closed, Theo could swear Professor Snape looked worried.

Harry woke up the next morning, bleary eyed and usnure of where he was. His back hurt from how tense he was, and he had a hot knife stabbing at his temple. He tried to sit up but was refrained by a pale hand. "Do not try to sit up just yet Mr.Potter. You have been asleep for twelve hours, give yourself a chance to wake up. His eyes widened. Twelve hours. "What happened?" Snape passed him a glass of water and a vial of pick me up. Harry sighed as his headache went away and finally sat up, grinning when he saw Shesha sliding up to him from the foot of the bed. "Master, you are not allowed to do that again, what if master died? Where would Shesha go then?" Harry laughed silently at her vieled worry, holding his girl close to his chest and stroking her gently. The snake hissed happily, before curling up in his embrace. "You passed out, Mr. Potter. Your friends were very worried." Harry frowned, he'd clearly been stressing too much. "I'll have to apologise to them." The professor nodded and stood, going to reply before being interrupted by another voice. "You can do so after you have rested, Mr.Potter. You passed out from exhaustion, that isn't healthy. How much have you been sleeping lately?" Harry looked at the clipboard she was filling in. He didn't want anyone realising he didn't really sleep. "No different than usual. I think I'm just stressed." Pomfrey nodded, scribbling something down before looking up at him. "Well then, I suggest you find yourself some free time from that Ravenclaw brain of yours, and try doind something you enjoy. Other than studying or reading books." Harry smirked and nodded at the nurse. Maybe that wasn't a bad idea. He had been wanting to find the Chamber of Secrets. Standing from the bed, he pulled on his jumper and placed his girl on his shoulders, where she promptly curled up and fell asleep. Pomfrey left and Harry turned at the sound of Snape clearing his throat. "Before we were interrupted, I was wanting to discuss something with you." Harry sat back down on the bed, intrigued. "Of course, the headmaster denied mine and Professor Flitwicks request to teach you higher grade practical work, but I believe talent such as yours is rare, and should be encouraged." Harry's eyebrows raised, he liked where this was going. "I'd like to offer you private tutoring with practical applications, whilst you keep up with your theory in class. Would that be amenable?" Immediately Harry nodded vigorously, to the point he worried his headache would return. "Thank you so much Professor, I really appreciate this!" The potions master nodded, and stood, Harry doing the same as they left the infirmary. Snape strode forward, turning back towards him as they got closer to the dungeons entrance. "I'm sure you understand that it is best to keep this quiet. I suggest not telling your friends, lest the headmaster discovers." Harry nodded, smiling up at the solemn man. He hadn't liked Snape at first, but now he was closely becoming his favourite teacher. "Of course, sir. I know how to keep a secret." Snape watched him with dark, emotionless eyes. "Yes, I'm sure you can." With that, the man spun away, cloak billowing as he walked, leaving Harry to feel as though the man knew something he shouldn't.

Harry wandered the empty halls of the second floor, bored out of his mind. Pomfrey had practically forbidden him from going to classes for the rest of the day, so he couldn't speak to his friends just yet. And he'd slept straight through lunch!  Haary sighed, more frustrated than relaxed; he wasn't even sure he knew how to relax! None of the ghosts knew where the Chambers entrance was either, so that didn't help him. He'd been systematically checking every empty room on the first floor and second floor, looking for.... He didn't even know what he was looking for! Harry scowled, and was about to give up and go chat with the Grey Lady when he felt something. Looking up, he followed the sixth sense until he found himself at the entrance of the girls bathroom. He frowned, confused until the ghost of a young girl floated out of a stall, crying and moaning. He walked in, astonished when the girl didn't even look up. Usually ghosts were very attentive of his presence, but this girl did seem quite upset. "Excuse me?" The girl shrieked and flew down into a nearby toilet with a splash. He grimaced, she lived in the pipes? That was disgusting. "Hello. You don't have to be scared, I'm not going to hurt you." A high, echoey laugh responded, and she floated out of the large sink in the middle of the bathroom. "You couldn't hurt me, I'm a ghost. I died!" This was accompanied with a rather dramitic wail, which she had clearly been practicing. He walked forward and grabber her wrist, slightly amused as her eyes widened and she tried to pull away. "Necromancer!" She hissed at him, terrified. "Relax, I just want to talk." She stopped struggling and looked at him with wide eyes. Suddenly she grinned, pulling him to the ground and crossing her legs, as if sitting. She floated just above the floor, smiling at him as he copied her position and sat on the ground. They spent the next hour talking, him explaining his abilities as a necromancer, and her talking about her death with a rather morbid excitement. Most ghosts were reluctant to speak about her death, and Harry gathered that her life had been rather dull before she'd died. Eventually Harry stood, smiling at the excitable girl. "Well thank you Myrtle, I think I know how to get into the chamber now. It was lovely talking to you!" She hopped up, worry over her face. "But Harry, do you not remember the monster I told you about? It could be dangerous down there!" He smiled and walked over to the sink, looking at each one. Next to one of the taps, a snake was engraved, and he smirked, hissing at it. "Open." Upon hearing him, the sink moved downwards, revealing a hole in the floor. He frowned, there was no way he was supposed to just jump down. "Stairs?" Steps slowly jutted out from the wall and he smiled. "Don't worry, I think I know what the monster may be. I'll be carefull though, I promise." She crossed her arms and nodded, glaring at the sink balefully. "Good. Oh, you will come back to see me at some point, won't you?" He took a few steps down, and looked into the deep darkness, unable to see to the bottom. Decided, he turned and threw a charming smile in her direction. "Of course I will Myrtle. I'll visit as often as I can, I swear!" She smiled brightly at him and floated back into one of the stalls, disappearing. He turned back and continued to walk down, the sink closing behind him as he was enveloped in darkness and shadows.

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