32 - Proving A Point

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I was convinced my cheeks resembled the embers of a well-stoked fire when the earl escorted me back to resume my position beside Reggie

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I was convinced my cheeks resembled the embers of a well-stoked fire when the earl escorted me back to resume my position beside Reggie. My naïve companion did not seem to notice my poise had been compromised, or perhaps I hid it well enough. Thankfully, the earl occupied him with enquiries about his service with the king's army until he finally took his leave.

At that point, I was ready to call it a night and retrieve our carriage. Then a man caught my eye as he slipped through the sea of wool and lace. His course appeared to be bringing him to my location. It was Stanwick, my mostly silent usher at St. James Palace.

"Mistress Hayes. I am so pleased I found you." He did not seem pleased despite his greeting. In fact, he appeared to be somewhat out of breath. "The prince regent has sent me on a goose chase to track you down."

"Why does the prince regent wish to have me tracked down?" My thoughts immediately rushed to the room of abandoned portraits with the earl and his bulging manhood. Had someone witnessed us coming and going?

"I rarely know why I'm doing the things I do, to be frank. My job is to follow the directives of his highness. And he wishes that you and your escort attend him immediately. Although, that was quite some time ago, so I expect he has become a tad put-out at having to wait."

"Oh, dear. We mustn't keep him in suspense any longer, then." I stood and offered my arm to Reggie. "It appears as though you'll be practicing your skills at addressing royalty, after all."

Reggie blinked several times before rising from the settee, and his face lost the healthy glow he'd received from the punch. We weaved through the crowd, him at a bit of a stumble, and by the time we approached the platform where Prince George was sat at a long table, he looked quite ghastly. I glanced quickly at the nobles assembled and stifled a gasp when I saw Baroness Weatherby glaring at me through her jewel-encrusted lorgnette. She appeared to be experiencing a fair amount of shock as well, which I took some satisfaction in.

I also recognized Admiral Pattinson sitting a few chairs down from his royal highness, and he offered me a kindly smile. Stanwick announced us and promptly left to attend to something else he probably knew very little about. Beside me, Reggie stiffened as he balanced precariously on his crutches.

"I'm glad Stanwick managed to track you down. We had a grand turnout this year." Prince George spoke as he stood from his chair and made his way around the table. "I hope you are both enjoying yourselves."

I nudged Reggie, attempting to get him to speak, but he looked like he might be sick any moment. "It is a resplendent affair, your highness," I offered quickly. "I am hoping to sample a bit more of the punch before Mister Saxton and I take our leave."

"Well, I hope you don't plan to leave soon. I still need to announce you to my guests. And I am sure there will be enquiries afterwards."

I felt a pull on my gut, as if the reins of a carriage had been tied to it and the driver had cracked his whip. "Announce me, your highness?"

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