Fresh Out of the Oven

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Me: Why hello lovely, Ninjago fangirls and fanboys out there in the world! Today is a very special day because we're back at the same hospital that C.j was born at!

Kai: I'm going to be an uncle again. 

Me: Unfortunately for us, we were kicked out of the delivery room after the last time. So for the first part of the episode Jay and Nya will not be joining us until after their child is born, but they did put me in charge of C.j so that's a positive note!

Zane: Why did they put you in charge of C.j?

Me: Because I also have to watch Baby Lloyd, and they thought the more the merrier! 

Baby Lloyd: bubba! *Hugs C.j*

Cole: These two are so cute!

Me: Ok so we have our first dare-

Kai: Oh come on really! Skylor's still mad at me from the last dare we did!

Zane: She only put you in time out for five minutes-

Kai: It was pure torture!

Cole: All you had to do was sit in a corner silently.

Kai: You wouldn't know! You weren't there!

Zane: We live in the same monastery, and we were there, Nya posted it all over her chirp.

Me: The first dare is from TheGhostParty27 and they want Kai to jump off a 100 level building in front of Skylor! There'll be a balcony underneath you too!

Kai: wHaT!?!

Baby Lloyd: SKY SKY!

C.j: A-Aunty!!!

*Skylor walks into the hospital waiting room*


Skylor: Hi hot tamale, ready to jump off the roof!


Zane: You jumped into a volcano before-

Cole: And went to space-


Skylor: Then lets go! *Grabs Kai by the arm a drags him on top of the 100 level hospital*

Kai: I don't wanna!

Skylor: Hon, just do it!

Kai: I don't like heights!

Skylor: I thought it was water!

Kai: That's none of your business!

Skylor: Meanie!

Kai: Bossy Pants!

Skylor: Drama Queen!

Kai: Sassy Mouth!

Skylor: That's it! *pushes Kai off the building and lands face first on the lowest balcony of the whole building* 

Kai: *Pain* o-ouch. 

*Back at the waiting room*

Me: What is taking so long?

Baby Lloyd: C-Candie!

Me: I gave you candy five minutes ago little dude, go play with C.j. 

Baby Lloyd: Eh stol eh!

Cole: C.j that's not very nice.

C.j: eh meanie!

Zane: Well that's not nice either.

*Kai and Skylor walks back in* 

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